The classroom buzzed like a beehive, students' voices rising and falling in waves.
The classroom is loud with many students talking
Lily couldn't keep a secret, so she accidentally spilled the beans about the surprise party.
She told the secret
hit the nail on the head Change the /n/ in nail to /p/
This artist performed at Superbowl LIX
Kendrick Lamar
The cold wind sliced through the air like a sharpened blade, making people huddle in their coats like turtles retreating into their shells.
wind is so cold that it hurts so people are trying to stay as warm as possible
With a big test coming up, Jake knew it was time to hit the books and start studying.
studying hard
"Start with ‘fan.’ Change the /f/ to /p/. It’s something you cook in."
"This British band sang 'Hey Jude'."
His anger was a volcano, rumbling beneath the surface until it finally erupted in a fiery explosion of words.
He was so angry and bottled up his emotions that when he let it all out he exploded.
Making grilled cheese isn’t rocket science; just follow the simple steps and you’ll get it right.
It is not difficult to do
"Start with ‘fetal.’ Change the /f/ to /p/. It’s the top part of a flower."
"This author wrote 'Romeo and Juliet'."
William Shakespeare
His backpack was as heavy as a stack of bricks, making him lean forward as he walked.
The backpack is so heavy it is weighing him down
Jake signed up for five after-school clubs and realized he had bitten off more than he could chew.
He took on more than he thought he could handle
"Start with ‘smile.’ Take away the /s/. Now it’s a long distance you can run."
A winter sport where people glide over snow using long flat boards
By the end of the day, her brain felt like an overstuffed suitcase, bursting with new knowledge.
she learned so much that she is exhausted but is excited because she learned new things
Cheap pencils are a dime a dozen, but a really good one is hard to find.
very common and easy to find
"Start with ‘seal.’ Change the /s/ to /w/. It’s something that moves on a car."
what would you do with $1 million dollars