The IE in which you get three topics, 30 minutes, and the internet.
What is Extemp?
A whole color gradient is out of the question, spanning from the color of snow to the tone of a camel.
What are white to beige foods?
The president of LOHS Speech and Debate.
Who is Anushka Naiknaware?
Resolved: Objective morality exists.
What is a BQD topic?
The common name for NaCl.
What is salt?
The event in which counterplans are not allowed.
What is Public Forum?
A dairy product that often found on burgers or sandwiches.
What is most cheese?
The coach from Idaho.
Who is Mikay Parsons?
Resolved: Inaction in the face of injustice makes individuals morally culpable.
What is an LD topic?
This dollar amount per household in stimulus money guaranteed by the American Rescue Plan Act.
What is $1400?
The event with only three-minute speeches.
What is Congress?
The "surf" in "surf and turf"
What is seafood?
The team member who uses blue and maroon flow pens.
Who is Lauren Zhang?
Resolved: The United States federal government should permit the use of financial incentives to encourage organ donation.
What is a Public Forum topic?
The powerhouse of the cell.
What is the mitochondria?
The event with 6-3-7-3-4-6-3 timing.
What is Lincoln Douglas?
What are cooked vegetables?
The coach currently attending NYU.
Who is Alex Avery?
Resolved: That the United States federal government should establish a foreign policy substantially increasing its support of United Nations peacekeeping operations.
What is a Policy topic?
In 1601, this European scientist died after his bladder burst at a banquet
Who is Tycho Brahe?
The event that is a combination of theater, prose, and poetry.
What is POI?
Often complemented by rice, this food is commemorated annually on January 6.
What are beans?
The team member who arrived at their round an hour late and still broke to finals.
Who is Grace Goverman?
THBT memes are a detriment to politics.
What is a World's motion?
The date of National Speech and Debate Education day.
What is March 6?