Size of the Problem
The Zones

Which of these is a nice greeting:

a) Hello, how are you today?

b) Hey

c) Sup?  

Hello, how are you today?


You spill milk.  Is this a tiny problem or big problem?

Tiny problem


Mr. Henry Ohrenberger at the front of the school is 

a) an acquaintance

b) your best friend

an acquaintance


If someone is feeling sad, what might you see?

a) a frown and eyes looking down

b) a smile and wide eyes

c) looking nervous

a frown and eyes looking down

In the Blue Zone, you might feel sad or

a) happy

b) tired

c) excited



If someone gives you a compliment, you can say:

a) Ok

b) Thank you

c)  Yes 

Thank you


You didn't do the work you had to do.  Is this a tiny problem or a medium sized problem? 

Medium sized problem


You only share the most secret and most private information with someone you trust the most.  Do you share that with a Potential Friend or Best Friend?

Best Friend


If someone is sighing a lot, rubbing their head, and groaning, they are probably...

a) excited

b) sad

c) frustrated or stressed out

frustrated or stressed out


In the red zone, you might be very very angry or feel very very silly.  This is because you have 

a) Way too much energy

b) No energy

c) Very good focus

Way too much energy


If someone tells you they went to the movies, what can you ask?

a) Do you like video games?

b) What movie did you see?

c) Bob is your uncle.  

What movie did you see?


The power goes off in your house for an hour.  Is this a small problem or really big problem?

Small problem


A real friend

a) has interests in common with you

b) is mean to you

c) only talks to you about the weather 

has interests in common


If someone is feeling very happy and excited, they will probably...

a) grit their teeth, yell, and cross their arms

b) be smiling, have wide open eyes, have open posture

c) look pretty tired

be smiling, have wide eyes, have open posture


In the Yellow Zone, you could feel anxious or have a bunch of

a) stress

b) sillies

c) both a and b

Both a and b


A friend says, "My favorite video game is Mario Kart".  What is a good follow up or connected comment you can say?

a) That's cool.

b) I saw Batman

c) Whatever.  

That's cool


You play a fun game with your friend and lose the game.  Very tiny problem or small problem.  

Very tiny problem


Which is an example of small talk?

a) I've got a huge secret to tell you

b) Nice weather today, huh?

c) How old are you?  

Nice weather today, huh?


If someone is scratching their head, shaking their head, rubbing their chin, they are probably feeling:

a) confused

b) nervous

c) happy



In the Green Zone, you are calm and

a) Angry

b) Focused

c) Carrying on  



If someone is hogging a conversation, you can say...

a) I would like to say something please

b) Stop talking

c) You're annoying

I would like to say something, please

You live in Hawaii and a volcano erupts. It wipes out your house and your school.  Is this a big problem or very big problem?

Very big problem


A good friend is someone who really cares about you and will

a) ask you for favors

b) listen 

c) argue with you all the time



If someone is nervous, they will probably

a) smile and rest their arms behind their head 

b) pace back and forth, bite their nails

c) shout, scream, bang the table

pace back and forth, bite their nails


If you are in the blue zone and feeling tired, what can you do to get more alert again

a) take a nap

b) squeeze a stress ball

c) listen to some relaxing, soothing music

take a nap