Double Meaning
Social Situation

Alvin went to the museum every Saturday because he was so fascinated by art.

Fascinated means:

a. paid money for

b. very interested in

c. bored of

b. very interested in


You and your friend are on a bike ride and the sky turns dark and grey. Your friend looks back at you and says you should turn around and go back home. Why?

Because it is going to rain


Give two different meanings for the word:


bat- animal

baseball bat


Your classmate has been playing with a toy for 10 minutes. You really want to a turn. What can you say or do?

Ask them for a turn


Since professional athletes have to stay in top physical shape, they seldom eat junk food.

Seldom means:

a. all the time

b. whenever they want

c. not very often

c. not very often


Your sister was gone for three days on a snowboarding trip. When she came home, her leg was propped up and had a big pink cast on it. What do you think happened?

She broke it snowboarding


Give two different meanings for the word:


ring- sound phone makes

ring- jewelry


Your classmate is talking so loudly that you can't hear what the teacher is saying. What can you say or do?

Ask classmate to be quiet

Ask teacher to repeat themselves


When Gears of Pain 6 came out, the number of people playing Gears of Pain 5 declined.

Declined means:

a. increased

b. decreased

c. stayed the same

b. decreased


Mom is taking you on a surprise trip. She told you to bring a bathing suit, towel, and sunglasses. Where do you think she is taking you?

Beach, pool, lake, anywhere you can swim


Give two different meanings for the word: 


Fly- insect

Fly- verb traveling through the sky


The teacher asks you to take something up to the office. You don't feel well today and do not want to do it. What can you say or do?

Tell the teacher you aren't feeling well and ask if someone else can do it

If you play on your phone during class, the teacher will confiscate it.

Confiscate means:

a. take it away

b. let you use it

c. make you share it

a. take it away


On your street, there is a yard with a dog in it. Every time you walk by, the dog runs up to the fence barking and growling. Your parents tell you never to go near this dog. Why?

It is acting unfriendly and will probably bite you

Give two different meanings for the word:


Block- building material

Block- stop someone from doing something


Two kids from another class are teasing you on the playground. What can you say or do?

Tell them to stop

Tell a yard supervisor

Talk to your teacher


The curling iron was so hot that Sarah singed her hair when she tried to use it.

Singed means:

a. wet

b. straightened

c. burned

c. burned


Your sister went to the movies with her friends. That night, she slept under the covers with the lights on. She had a nightmare and couldn't fall back asleep. What kind of movie do you think she saw?

a scary movie


Give two different meanings for the word:


Change- money back when you pay

Change- to become something different


At recess, you see your friend trip and scrape his knee. What can you say or do?

Ask if he's ok

Tell a yard supervisor

Help him go see the nurse