Main Idea 1
Main Idea 2
Multiple Meaning Words

I can't wait until this weekend! We’re going to my grandparents’ house and my entire family will be there. I will spend most of my time playing games with my cousins. We always have such a good time together! The day goes by so fast, and by the end we are all exhausted... but we still don’t want to leave!

What is the writer enjoys spending time with family.


If you are feeling sad, you can make yourself feel better by doing a few simple things. You can take a walk (or get another form of exercise), you can talk to a friend, or you can write down your feelings. Writing down the good things in your life will help too. Doing something good for someone else will also help you feel better. If you still feel a little sad, act happy. It works like magic to make you feel better!

What is there are many ways to make yourself feel better.



Powder used to improve food taste; spring, summer, fall winter.


Use the word "and" to combine these senteces:

The cat ate food.

The dog ate food.

The cat and dog ate the food.


Compare and contrast: bike and car

They are both vehicles.  They both can take you from place to place.  They both have wheels/tires. 

A bike has two wheels, a car had four. A bike has handle bars, a car has a steering wheel.  A car has an engine, a bike does not.  A car is faster than a bike.  You need to wear a helmet on a bike, you need a seatbelt in a car.  A bike usually has one seat, a car has multiple seats. A car has windows, a bike does not.


Wilbur and Orville Wright were brothers who were inventors, even from a young age when they built kites and bicycles. Many people credit the Wright Brothers with designing and building the first successful airplane. In 1903, their first flight only lasted 12 seconds, but it continues to inspire people all over the world to learn about science and math, to work hard to realize their dreams, and to use imagination to achieve success.

What is the Wright Brothers were inventors who have inspired many people.


Did you know that giraffes are the tallest animals in the world? They are unique in other ways, too. For one thing, they sleep only about 20 minutes each day, and usually not more than five minutes at a time. (They have to remain alert for predators.) Also, every giraffe’s coat is unique, and varies in color from white to nearly black, depending on what they eat and where they live.

What is Giraffes are unique animals.



A unit of measurement, the grass behind/in front of a house.


Use the words "if.....then" to combine the sentences:

Kate finishes her homework.

Kate can go outside.

If Kate finishes her homework then she can go outside.


Compare and contrast: Oreos and Chocolate Chip Cookies

They are both cookies.  They are both desserts. They are both sweet.  They are both round.  They both contain chocolate. 

An Oreo is black and white, a chocolate chip cookie is dark brown and light brown.  Oreos are usually store bought, you can make chocolate chip cookies at home.  A chocolate chip cookie contains chocolate chips, an Oreo contains frosting. 


I have a dog whose name is Paco. He is almost 10 years old. Paco is very loveable with a brown face and short black fur. He is one of my best friends. He plays with me, sleeps with me, and goes on walks with me. I am so glad to have him around. I love him.

What is the writer's dog is an important part of his life.


Hurricanes are large, intense storms that begin over the ocean, where they gather heat and energy from the water. Hurricanes move slowly toward land, usually moving 10-20 miles per hour for more than one week. The most dangerous part of the hurricane is the storm surge, when it reaches land and causes flooding. Wind and waves also contribute to the damage caused by these surges.

What is Hurricanes are dangerous storms.



The person who throws the baseball, similar to a jug that holds liquid.


Use the word "so" to combine the sentences:

John's shirt ripped. 

He changed into a new one.

John's shirt ripped so he changed into a new one.


Compare and contrast: ladders and stairs

They are both used to go up or down.  

Stairs have steps, ladders have rungs.  Stairs don't move, ladders can be moved.  Stairs are more sturdy than ladders.  Ladders are usually used to do work and then put away, stairs stay where they are.  Stairs are safer than ladders.  


Eric gripped the bat in his hands. His palms were sweaty but he took a deep breath as he stepped up to the plate. He had to score a run or his team would lose the game. When the pitcher threw a fastball, Eric’s reflexes took over and he heard the “Crack!” of the bat hitting the ball. His heart raced with excitement as he ran to first base. He was safe!

What is Eric overcomes his nerves and makes it to first base.


You learn about Science, Maths, Art and many other subject areas. The school has a lot of books for you to read. The teachers create fun activities to make learning fun. There are also a lot of other kids here, who you can become friends with to study together.

What is the school is a great place to learn.



A symbol in the alphabet; a written message to someone


Use the word "but" to combine the sentences:

I want to swim.

It is cold.

I want to swim but it is cold. 


Compare and contrast: computer and phone

They are both electronic devices.  You can type on them.  You can use the internet on them.  You can go on social media on them.  You can buy them at the same location. 

A computer is larger than a phone.  A computer has a separate keyboard from a phone.  A phone is more frequently used for texting than a computer.  A computer has a bigger screen than a phone.  A phone is typically used for phone calls. A computer has a mouse pad and a phone does not. 


Homemade pizza is delicious. First, make the dough from flour, water, and yeast. After that, begin making the tomato sauce. Next, add any vegetables you like. Then, bake it in the oven. After a short time, the kitchen begins to smell delicious. Soon, it’s ready to eat!

What is the instructions to make homemade pizza.


You can go swimming, diving and even build your dream house using sand. If you don’t like any of those activities, you can play volleyball with your friends. Another good thing to do on the beach is to lie down on the sand and sunbathe. You will get a nice tan

What is the beach is the perfect place to have fun and relax.



The closing of an envelope; a sea animal with flippers


Use the word "because" to combine the sentences:

She lost her backpack.

I felt sorry for her.

I felt sorry for her because she lost her backpack.


Compare and contrast: summer and winter 

They are both seasons. They have more extreme weathers. They both can effect plants (too hot/too cold)

Winter is cold, summer is hot. You do more outdoor activities in the summer than winter. It can snow in the winter, it does not snow in the summer.