Preschool Language Development
Language Sampling
Early School Age Language Development
School Age Literacy Development
Adolescent and Adult Language / Bilingualism

All English speech sounds are typically mastered by age....



What is the (range) target age for language sample analysis?

12 months to 6 years


"The baby, who was crying, rolled over."

Is this an example of a compund sentence or complex sentence?

Complex sentence

A compund sentence is made up of two or more main clauses joined by "and, but, because, if..."


True or False:

In reading processing theory, Bottom-up refers to decoding words while Top-down refers to gaining meaning. 



A language rule system used by an identifiable group of people that varies in some way from the standard language is a ___________.



Decontextualized language is...

Language that  references people, events and experiences that are not part of the immediate context.


How many morphemes in:

The ice cream truck is um, um, going to the park. 



List four types of figurative language.

Idioms, metaphors/ similes, metonyms, proverbs


What are the different vocabulary tiers, how are they different and which provides the most "bang for your buck?"

Tier 1: Basic words, sight words

Tier 2: High frequency words for mature users

Tier 3: Lower frequency words in specific domains

Tier 2 provides the most "bang for your buck."


Switching between two languages within one conversation or changing dialects to meet the needs of the situation is referred to as ___________.

Code Switching


 With the development of _________ comes the ability to recognize the emotional states of others, narrative changes as the child takes another's point of view, and activation of two areas of the brain in four year olds. 

Theory of Mind


How many morphemes in:

Mrs. Green is kissing night-night to the babies. 



Prompt: Sally talking to her mother about her dentist appointment.

"I sat in the funny chair and you held my hand. Then the dentist used a silly toothbrush and the toothpaste tasted like bubble gum. I didn't like it so then he let me spit it out."

Type and Centering or Chaining

Type: Recount



Explain at least one difference between styles of discourse for spoken language and written language.

Writing demands more cognitive resources for planning and monitoring, less interactive, increased time for encoding.

Spoken language is produced under pressure of rapid processing. It's more interactive and personalized.


What are the two types of acquisition for learning languages/ language acquisition for bilingual speakers?

Simultaneous and successive


Children form initial associations when first exposed to a new word using this hypothetical process:(Meaning of the word is inferred from the context after one exposure.)

Fast Mapping


In a LSA, syntax is analyzed by counting __________ and determining ________. Semantics is analyzed by _______ and Pragmatic language skills are analyzed using ________'s Definitions of Categories of Language Function. 

Morphemes, MLU, TTR, Lahey's


The four types of narratives are:

1. Account

2. Recount

3. Evencast

4. Stories


"Learn to read, read to learn."

Explain this statement

Chall's stages of reading development- Purposes for reading change with age.


Define "metalinguistic" and "metasyntatic".

Metalinguistic: The ability to reflect on language or to use language to talk about language

Metasyntatic: The ability to reflect on syntax, the rules of grammar. 


"Pane" for plane and "limy" for slimy are examples of thsi Phonological Process:

Cluster Reduction


Morphemes ... (3 descriptions)

1. Smallest unit of language that has meaning.

2. Can change meaning.

3. Bound morphemes have meaning when attached to a free morpheme. 


Why is it beneficial to analyze narratives?

Analyzing narratives provides a way of understanding an individual's language and conceptual development and reflects the individual's linguistic ability and cognitive understanding. 


In reading comprehension, _________ literacy is done by having the reader analyze, interpret and synthesize the information while _________ literacy refers to the reader taking what was read and applying it to other content and knowledge.

Critical, dynamic


Lexical development: Horizontal  and __________
