True or False: Speech perception is straightforward and simple.
A phoneme is...
The basic unit of spoken language, such as the sounds a, k, and th.
A phonetic module is...
a special-purpose neural mechanism that specifically processes all aspects of speech perception.
What must happen during speech perception?
Your auditory system must record the sound vibrations generated by someone talking. The system must then translate these vibrations into a sequence of sounds that you perceive to be speech.
TRUE OR FALSE: The English Language uses between 40 and 45 phonemes, a number that includes both vowels and consonants.
The special mechanism approach to speech perception suggests that the brain is organized in an unusual way due to...
speech perception not relying on general cognitive functions such as recognizing objects, remembering events, and solving problems.
Adults who speak English produce about __ sounds every second.
What is inter-speaker variability?
This term is used to refer to the observation that different speaker's gender, age, and regional dialect all contribute to inter speaker variability in phoneme pronunciation.
An example of categorical perception is when...
An average person much perceive about ___ sounds a minute.
To show a phonemic restoration is to
Fill in a missing phoneme, using contextual meaning as a cue.
We can explain speech perception without proposing any specific phonetic module. People who favor these approaches believe that humans use the same neural mechanisms to process both speech sounds and non speech sounds.
To perceive a word you must...
distinguish the sound pattern of one word from the tens of thousands of irrelevant words that are stored in your memory.
The McGurk effect refers to
The influence of visual information on speech perception, when individuals must integrate both visual and auditory information.
Name of the researchers who developed several different mechanisms of speech perception and argued that speech perception proceeds in stages and depends on familiar cognitive processes such as recognition, learning, and decision making...
Fowler & Galantucci, McQueen, and Todd