What is another word for "angry"?
What does it mean?
"Cat got your tongue"
You can't speak
I am a woman and I rule a kingdom.
What are the two meanings of "trunk"?
1. Elephant Nose
2. Back of car
What is another word for "loud"?
What does it mean?
"Once in a blue moon"
Something that happens once in a while.
I am a large mass of water vapor floating in the sky.
What are two meanings of "bark"?
1. Noise a dog makes
2.part of a tree
What is another word for "Sloppy"?
What does it mean?
"Butterflies in my stomach"
Feeling Nervous
I am a plant with a thick stem and I am covered with needles.
What are the two meanings of "nail"?
1. Fingernail
2. Building Tool
What is another word for "throw"?
What does it mean?
"Snug as a bug in a rug"
Warm and cozy
I am a person who installs and fixes pipes.
What are the two meanings of "chest"?
1. Body Part
2. Container
What is another word for "bashful"?
What does it mean?
"To go down in flames"
To fail really bad
I am the hard mouth part of a bird.
What are two meanings of "fork"?
1. Utensil
2. Road division