Speed Calculations
Distance/Time Graphs
Distance or Time Calculations

The calculation for speed

What is Distance / Time


A horizontal line on this type of graph represents an object doing this...

What is Rest (or resting, stopped, not moving)?


What is displacement?

The distance from start to finish in a straight line.


The distance traveled in a given amount of time. 

What is speed?


Bob travels at a constant speed of 100 miles per hour. How far does he go after 12 hours?

1200 miles


Distance:70 meters Time: 10 seconds

What is 7 m/s?


A sloped linear line represents an object is doing this. 

What is having a constant speed?


What is the formula for finding displacement? (Triangle formula)

A^2+B^2 = C^2


What's the difference between speed and velocity?

Speed is the distance something travels divided by the time elapsed. 

Velocity includes both the speed and the direction of motion.


Bob is traveling at a speed of 100 miles per hour. How long does it take him to travel 2500 miles?

25 hours. 


The cafeteria is 80 meters from Mrs. Quadagno's room. If you arrive in the classroom 40 seconds after leaving lunch, this will be your average speed.

What is 2 m/s


What does the steepness (slope) of the line tell us about the object's motion? "The steeper the line the..."

What is "the steeper the line, the faster the object is moving?"


If you walk 2 km from your house to a store and then back home, what is your displacement and distance?

Displacement: 0

Distance 4 km


The total distance an object travels over the total amount of time to travel this distance. 

What is Average Speed?


If Sam is traveling 350 miles and it planning on driving at a constant speed of 50 miles per hour, how long will it take him to get to his destination?

7 hours. 


It takes me 6 hours to drive to Nashville, TN. My route is 300 miles long. This is my average speed.

What is 50 miles per hour


A negative slope on this type of graph indicated this. 

What is "the object moving closer to the starting point."


A person walks 3 miles North and 4 miles East, what is their Distance and Displacement?

Distance = 7 miles

Displacement = 5 miles


Define motion in your own words.

Motion is the changing position of an object.


Donnie arrived to work 30 minutes after leaving his house. If he was traveling at a constant speed of 50 miles per hour, how far away was his work from his home?

25 miles. (Turn the 30 minutes into 0.5 hours)


A flock of birds migrating North travel 1,176 miles in 170 hours. What is the average speed of the flock in DAYS? 



What does walking, running, and throwing a ball, compared to each other on a Graph look like?

Walking = Flattest

Running = In between

Throwing = Steepest


Analyze/Describe three ways a bicyclist can change velocity.

The bicyclist can speed up, slow down, or change direction.


The speed that a cop would see you traveling at... (remember my example)

Instantaneous Speed.


Mark has to ride his bike down two streets to get to school. The first street was 240 meters long and his speed was 2 meters per second. The second street was 720 meters long and during this time, he moved at a speed of 3 meters per second. How long did it take Mark to get to school?

360 seconds, or 6 minutes