Distance Dat stance
Time to go
Where are we going?
This is Mr. Martinsen's speed if he runs 20 yards in 5 seconds.
What is 4 yards a second
This is how far can Mr. Condon go in half an hour at 20 miles per hour.
What is 10 miles
this is how long it would take to drive 100 miles at 25 miles per hour.
What is 4 hours
This is the only thing changing in the motion of an object floating in a straight line in space.
What is position
This can change with any movement
What is position.
The distance is 40 yards. The time Samuel takes to run it is 5 seconds. This is Samuel's speed.
What is 8 yards a second.
If Carl can drive 100 miles in 2 hours, this is his speed.
What is 50 miles an hour.
This is what time it would be if you left Vancouver at 4 pm and drove 165 miles to Seattle at 60 miles per hour.
What is 165 minutes or 2 hours and 45 minutes.
This is the way you are headed.
What is direction
Other than position, this changes when an object moves in a circular motion
What is direction
This is the image from the prezi that represents distance over time.
What is a ruer over a stopwatch.
The earth spins at about 1000 miles per hour. There are 24 hours in a day. This is the circumference of the earth.
What is 24,000 miles.
This is the time it takes to drive 20 miles at 30 miles per hour.
What is 40 minutes?
Running around a track without getting faster or slowing down changes these two things
What are direction and position.
Position changes when an object has this.
What is speed or movement.
This is the equation for average speed.
What is total distance divided by total time.
This is the distance someone could go in 20 minutes if they drove at 60 miles per hour.
What is 20 miles.
This is the time it takes for a car traveling at 50 miles per hour to drive 150 miles
What is 3 hours
This is the variable that you change, like the number of books under the ramp.
What is the manipulated variable?
This is Jake's average speed if he ran 20 yards in 10 seconds and then 55 yards in 20 seconds
What is 2.5 yards a second
This is the distance a cheetah has to run if it is 20 meters from an antelope that is running at 15 meters per second if the cheetah runs 20 meters per second.
What is 80 meters
This is the time it takes to travel 200 miles if the first 100 is done at 50 miles per hou, but the second 100 miles are traveled at 25 miles per hour.
What is 6 hours
This is the only way direction and position remain constant.
What is standing still.
This is the variable you measure in a scientific experiment, like the speed of te car
What is the responding variable?