Word Meaning
Central Message
What's the gist?
Restate and Answer

What is the prefix in the word "unhappy"?



What does the word "gigantic" mean in the sentence: "The gigantic elephant walked slowly through the jungle"?

  • A) small
  • B) huge
  • C) fast

B) huge


Lena found a small, injured bird in her backyard. She took it in, fed it, and cared for it until it was strong enough to fly again. When she let it go, she felt proud of how she had helped the bird.

What is the central message of this story?

  • A) Flying is a lot of fun.
  • B) Birds make great pets.
  • C) Always help those in need.

C) Always help those in need.


The sun was shining brightly as the children played in the park. They ran around, laughing and playing games together. The swings were full, and the slides were busy with kids taking turns.

What is the gist of this passage?

  • A) The park is empty.
  • B) The children are having fun in the park.
  • C) The sun is too bright.

B) The children are having fun in the park.


Why did the cat climb the tree?

  • A) The cat climbed the tree.
  • B) The tree was tall.
  • C) The cat climbed the tree because it was scared.

C) The cat climbed the tree because it was scared.


What does the suffix "-ful" mean in the word "hopeful"?

  • A) full of
  • B) less of
  • C) without

A) Full of


In the sentence "She felt elated when she won the race," what does "elated" mean?

  • A) sad
  • B) tired
  • C) very happy

C) very happy


Tom wanted a new toy, but he didn’t have enough money. Instead of asking his parents, he decided to do chores around the house to earn the money himself. After a few weeks, he had saved enough to buy the toy.

What is the lesson Tom learned?

  • A) It's important to work hard for what you want.
  • B) Toys are expensive.
  • C) Always ask your parents for money.

A) It's important to work hard for what you want.


During the summer, Mia decided to start a garden in her backyard. She planted seeds for tomatoes, cucumbers, and carrots. Every day, she watered her plants and watched them grow. By the end of the summer, she had a bountiful harvest to share with her family.

What is the main idea of this passage?

  • A) Mia did not like gardening.
  • B) Mia’s garden did not grow.
  • C) Mia enjoyed taking care of her garden.

C) Mia enjoyed taking care of her garden.


What did the boy do after school?

  • A) The boy went to play soccer after school.
  • B) He went to play soccer.
  • C) The boy played after school.

A) The boy went to play soccer after school


Identify the parts in the word "replay".  

Prefix: Re

Root Word: Play

Suffix: N/A


What does "briskly" mean in the sentence: "He walked briskly to the bus stop"?

  • A) slowly
  • B) quickly
  • C) lazily

B) quickly


Sara and Lily were best friends, but one day they had an argument. They stopped talking for a week. Sara felt sad and decided to apologize to Lily. Lily accepted the apology, and they became even closer friends.

What is the moral of this story?

  • A) Friendship is more important than being right.
  • B) It's okay to lose friends.
  • C) Arguments make friendships stronger.

A) Friendship is more important than being right.


Alex was nervous about his first day at a new school. He didn’t know anyone and was worried he wouldn’t make friends. But by the end of the day, he had met some nice kids who invited him to sit with them at lunch.

What’s the gist of this passage?

  • A) Alex was late for school.
  • B) Alex made new friends at his new school.
  • C) Alex didn’t like his new school.

B) Alex made new friends at his new school.


How did the girl feel after winning the race?

  • A) The girl felt happy.
  • B) After winning the race, the girl felt happy.
  • C) The girl was happy.

B) After winning the race, the girl felt happy.


What is the root word in "disagree"?

  • A) dis-
  • B) agree
  • C) -ee

B) agree


In the passage, "The knight was valiant in battle," what does "valiant" mean?

  • A) afraid
  • B) cowardly
  • C) brave

C) brave


A small ant was trying to carry a large crumb back to its colony. The crumb was too heavy for one ant to carry, so other ants came to help. Together, they were able to lift the crumb and bring it back home.

What is the central message of this story?

  • A) Ants are strong. 
  • B) Teamwork can help you achieve big things.
  • C) Crumbs are heavy.

B) Teamwork can help you achieve big things.


The class was excited about their field trip to the science museum. They learned about dinosaurs, explored space exhibits, and even got to see a real rocket. Everyone had a great time and couldn’t stop talking about what they had learned.

What is the main idea of this passage?

  • A) The class didn’t learn anything new.
  • B) The class was bored at the museum.
  • C) The class enjoyed their field trip to the science museum.

C) The class enjoyed their field trip to the science museum.


What did the teacher ask the students to do?

  • A) The teacher asked the students to complete their homework.
  • B) The teacher asked the students.
  • C) The students completed their homework.

A) The teacher asked the students to complete their homework.


Which word has a prefix that means "before"?

  • A) preview
  • B) untie
  • C) rewrite

A) preview


What does "peculiar" mean in the sentence: "The cat had a peculiar marking on its fur"?

  • A) strange
  • B) common
  • C) beautiful

A) strange


A greedy dog found a bone and was carrying it home. As he crossed a bridge, he saw his reflection in the water and thought it was another dog with a bigger bone. He tried to grab the other bone, but when he opened his mouth, his own bone fell into the water and was lost.

What is the moral of this story?

  • A) Dog's can't swim.
  • B) Don't be greedy.
  • C) Water is dangerous.

B) Don't be greedy.


Emma’s grandmother taught her how to bake cookies. They measured the ingredients, mixed the dough, and carefully placed the cookies on the baking sheet. When the cookies were done, they shared them with the whole family, who loved how delicious they were.

What is the gist of this passage?

  • A) Emma and her grandmother baked cookies together. 
  • B) The cookies were burned.
  • C) Emma didn’t like baking.

A) Emma and her grandmother baked cookies together.


Why did the family go to the park?

  • A) The family went to the park to have a picnic.
  • B) The family had a picnic.
  • C) The family went to the park.

A) The family went to the park to have a picnic.