Stay on the Bus: Magical Material Tour Continues
You've Still Got the Power: Energy and Renewables
Take the A Train: Infrastructure and Transportation
Trash Talk
Dealer's Choice

This structural system is 1/3 of the weight of pre-cast concrete, is fire-resistive, sequesters carbon dioxide and is biophilic!

What is Mass Timber


In addition to Lithium Ion, there are other lesser-known battery storage technologies. Which of the following battery technologies is NOT currently in development or use? Hydrogen fuel Cell, Aluminum, Flow, Phase Change, Compressed Compost, or Gravity?

Compressed Compost has not been known to hold a charge. 


This Dattner-designed subway station includes inclined elevators, a first for the MTA, to provide wheelchair-using patrons with a shorter, easier path to the train platform as well as to reduce tunneling costs. Name this station AND the subway line it serves!

34th St - Hudson Yards Station – 7 line extension


The goal of this concept is to reuse and recyle materials to the fullest extent possible, and reduce the volume of material sent to landfill/incinerated.

Zero Waste


Effective April 1st, 2022 DSNY requires this submission for most new buildings to incorporate measures to managing the substantial amount of refuse and recyclables generated by residents of such buildings; the goal of the rule is to reduce “mountains of black bags" on the sidewalk.

Waste Management Plan


This is an engineered mass timber material consisting of laminations bonded together with the grain running parallel to the length of the beam.  

Glue Laminated Timber


These high-efficiency appliances move heat from inside to outside to provide air-conditioning and can work in reverse to heat spaces.  

Heat Pump or Mini-Split



Developed by SPG and available on SharePoint, this is a collection of resources related to the various structures, systems, and services that serve NYC such as Multi-Modal Transportation, Mass Transit Accessibility, Mass Transit Sustainability, Urban Ecology, and Waste Management. 

The Sustainable Infrastructure Atlas


What percentage of waste does New York City currently export to its landfills?  



In this year, ocean dumping of trash was deemed illegal in NYC by the Supreme Court



According to the 2022 NYC Building Code, Type IV Construction (mass timber) for R-2 and B occupancies is allowed up to how many stories or how many feet in height?  

7 stories or 85 feet


This system of pipes, installed vertically or horizontally below grade, takes advantage of the earth’s constant temperature to pre-chill or pre-heat water for building mechanical systems. 



The construction of the Brooklyn Bridge was a significant engineering achievement due to its use of this groundbreaking construction technique that held back water. In French it means “large box”. 




Opened in 2013, this Sunset Park Material Recovery Facility (MRF) is the largest commingled recycling facility in North America and boasts a a 100kW wind turbine to generate renewable energy for the plant. What is the company that operates this facility?

Sims Metal Management or Sims Municipal Recycling (SMR) 


Recently research has shown that use of gas stoves in residences can exacerbate poor indoor air quality. Besides the creation of CO2 from burning of methane, what other toxin gas is released that is particularly harmful to human respiratory system? 

Nitrogen dioxide, in particular, has been linked to respiratory conditions, like asthma.


This is the only mass-timber product with no metal fasteners, nails, or adhesives.  

Dowel-Laminated Timber 


This Revit add-on performs energy, solar, and lighting analyses using your model at any stage from schematic design through CDs to generate preliminary predicted EUI.  

Insight 360


Local Laws 92 and 94 of 2019 amended the 2014 Building Code. You can comply by either reducing your reliance on fossil fuels and/or improving the stormwater management demand on the City. Name the principle components of these two local laws. 

solar photovoltaic electricity generating system & a green roof system


Select the right waste stream for this lightly soiled pizza box

Paper / Cardboard


Many credit this marine biologist and writer as founder of the modern environmental movement. In 1962 she published the controversial "Silent Spring," in which she described the devastating environmental impacts of pesticides which led to the eventual banning of DDT.

Who was Rachel Carson


This construction material can sustain high humidity, is fire-resistive, and has excellent thermal resistance. The base material is more rapidly renewable than wood, and is biodegradable at the end of the building’s life.



50% of NYC’s electrical generation is produced upstate from an energy grid that is 91% clean. The remaining 50% is generated from 24 in-city power plants. What percent of NYC's power plants run on fossil gas and fuel oil?  



This innovative modular structure helps provide secure bicycle parking and charging in New York City



This sealed container is filled with food scraps and microorganisms break down the organic material into biogas and fertilizer through anaerobic digestion.



Published in 1969, this seminal book centered on the role of ecology in landscape and building design while playing a a role in the development of GIS software.  

Design with Nature