First book in the old testament
What is Genesis.
Last word in the Bible?
What is Amen.
Who made the song "Praise"?
Who is Brandon Lake.
How many 2024 leaders are there?
(not including sponsors and pastors)
What is 8.
How many letters are in the alphabet?
What is 26.
How many books are in the old testament?
What is 39.
First books in the New Testament?
What is Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.
Finish the lyrics...
"Oh come to ......"
What is Oh come to the Alter."
Who in the youth leaders are in the fellowship team?
Who are Kenneth, Kyle, Channan, and Isaac.
How many pastors are there at SPHAC?
How many brothers did Joseph have?
What is 11 brothers.
Who was 1 of the 2 first disciple of Jesus?
What is Andrew or Peter.
Finish the lyrics...
"Christ is my..."
What is "Firm foundation".
How many youth leaders are girls?
What is 3.
What is SPHAC's address?
What is 1770 McMenemy st Saint Paul, MN 55110.
What is the 6th commandment of the 10 commandments?
What is, "Thou shall not murder".
Where was Jesus born?
What is Bethlehem.
Finish the lyrics...
"I'm no longer a slave to fear for ..."
What is I am a child of God.
Who is the youngest youth leader?
Who is Isaac Xiong.
How long was Moses in the mountain to receive the 10 commandments?
What is 40 days and 40 nights.
What was the name of the island where John wrote Revelation?
a. The island of Crete
b. The island of Malata
c. The island of Patmos
d. The island of Pergamon
What is the island of Patmos
Who is the Artist of What a Beautiful Name It is?
Who is Hillsong Worship.
Who is the oldest youth leader?
Who is Faith Yang.
What year was SPHAC established as a Hmong District Church?
What is 1984.