Instructional Settings
Give at least two examples of what it means to treat fellow students with compassion?
Any two fitting examples at teacher's discretion
What is the appropriate hallway volume when classes are in session?
Silent or whisper so the person you are talking to is the only one that hears you. This is really important during 3rd Block passing times before and after lunch when classes are in session.
What should you remember to do when using any material from the internet?
Cardinals use their own work whenever possible and give credit to others' ideas and work. Always.
What should you do after using the restroom?
Flush, wash your hands, and go back to class.
What are you allowed to eat or drink in the PAC?
Nothing. Period.
Scenario: A student is sharing their opinion with class and you do not agree with what they are saying. How do you go about correctly voicing your opinion?
Voice your opinion respectfully, do not attack the speaker, try to find common ground..."I hear you say... In my opinion..."
Who could you report vandalism/damage to school property to?
Report vandalism/damage to any adult in the building
When are appropriate times to be on your cell phone?
During passing, lunch, and with teachers approval. Cell phones are prohibited in bathrooms and lockers.
What should you do if you come across a spill on the ground?
Report spills or faulty plumbing to staff/custodians immediately.
What are three ways you can positively support athletic teams?
Attend events, cheer positively and enthusiastically, demonstrate school pride
Scenario: You are late for class. What do you need to do?
Go to class immediately. If you are less than 15 minutes late, you will be issued a tardy. If you are more than 15 minutes late, still go to class! You will be marked absent, but you will benefit from the class instruction.
What should you do if you encounter unsafe activities?
Report it to a teacher, an administrator, or other trusted adult in the building. Do not engage, do not start filming it.
What should you do if you see online bullying or harassment?
Report it to a trusted adult, student services, or administration. Leave the site or group chat. If you are comfortable, ask people to stop the behavior. Remember to be part of an online community that is safe, productive, and kind.
What are two things you should make sure you do before leaving the cafeteria after lunch?
Leave the table the way you found it. Dispose of trash in the garbage bins and food trays in the metal carts.
What are two ways you can demonstrate school pride?
Wear school colors, attend the games, positively cheer for your team
What can you do if your grades are suffering?
Check IC, sign up for Cardinal30, conference with your teacher
What is the speed limit in the school parking lot during the school day? 2) On the streets leading to the HS?
1) 5mph 2) 15mph
What are two things you should make sure you do before leaving the cafeteria after lunch?
Leave the table the way you found it. Dispose of trash in the garbage bins and food trays in the metal carts.
Which bathroom or drinking fountain should you go to when leaving you class?
The nearest one!
What are two positive cheers?
Lead the class in one of the cheers.
In order to maintain a safe environment, what is the procedure around all doors?
Close all doors behind you and never prop open outside doors. See something, say something.
What is a possible consequence if you don't have a pass in the hallway?
Parental contact and classroom or office detention
What happens to all of your posts on the internet?
It lives forever. Computer savvy people can always find it! Pause before you post!
True/false: When you are not in class, you can use your personal digital device to post/search/view whatever your heart desires.
False. Cardinals practice positive global citizenship when online, focusing on being part of an online community that is safe, productive, and kind while striving to keep the Internet free from harassment and bullying through their own examples and practices
What is appropriate behavior for the PAC?
Keep your feet on the floor, no food/drink allowed, refrain from using technology