Math II
Virginia Studies
I am using this strategy when I make pictures in my head while I read.
What is visualization?
A quicker way to do repeated subtraction.
What is multiplication?
The answer to this type of math problem is called a sum.
What is addition?
This is something that can be made by using one or more of your 5 senses. It is fact & cannot be refuted.
What is an observation?
There are 5 of us in Virginia. Each of us has different: land features, products, industries, and locations. Please name us in order from West to East.
What is/are the regions? What is/are the Appalachian Plateau, Valley & Ridge, Blue Ridge, Piedmont, & Coastal Plains/Tidewater regions?
I am making ______________ when I think about what could happen later in a book I am reading.
What are predictions?
A quicker way to do repeated subtraction or fair sharing.
What is division?
The answer to this type of math problem is called the difference.
What is subtraction?
These are thoughts/opinions/deductions using observations & background knowledge.
What are inferences?
Of the 3 major language groups of the natives of Virginia, you can find this ONE language group in Southwest Virginia & located near the North Carolina/Virginia border.
What is Iroquoian?
When I think about my thinking or am aware of my thinking, and I think about how it helps me to comprehend/understand what I am reading, I am using ____________________.
What is metacognition?
When a word problem asks you to find out ABOUT how much something is, what mathematical process/strategy are you going to need to use?
What is rounding and estimating? OR What is estimating?
The answer to this kind of math problem is called the product.
What is multiplication?
This is made up of individual organisms, populations, & communities. It also made up of various biotic (living) & abiotic (non-living) factors/things.
What is an ecosystem?
The type of government that was established by the General Assembly (the governor, governor's council, & burgesses).
What is a representative government? What is a democracy? What is a bicameral legislature?
I use these Non-Fiction text features to figure out what a section of my text is mostly about. This text feature is often found at the beginning of each new section of a Non-Fiction text.
What is a heading or sub-heading?
These numbers are the products of a multiplication sentence. We often use skip counting as a strategy to find these numbers.
What are multiples?
The answer to this kind of problem is called the quotient.
What is division?
_________________ is something that a living thing HAS that helps it survive. __________________ is something that a living thing DOES to help itself survive. (2 question answer)
What is a physical/structural adaptation? What is a behavioral adaptation?
These men were ELECTED by men in their burroughs to represent them during General Assembly meetings. There were generally 2 per burrough.
What is a burgess? What are burgesses?
This is the part of an essay where I tell my reader my 3 (or more) reasons for thinking, believing, or feeling something.
What is a thesis?
The numbers you multiply to find a product (one of the strategies we use to find these numbers is the "rainbow strategy")
What are factors?
The definition for these two math concepts is: "PARTS of a WHOLE."
What are decimals & fractions?
A ________________ is an educated guess/prediction that is made using background knowledge.
What is a hypothesis?
These are the two MAIN reasons that England wanted to venture over to the New World to create a new permanent settlement (think big ideas rather than specific goals).
What is wealth & power?