Spinal Cord External Anatomy
Spinal Cord Internal Anatomy
You got the NERVE!
General Spinal Anatomy
Oh the nerve!

The spinal cord extends/exits from this structure of the Skull and this is where it begins and this is where it ends.

What is Foramen Magnum and Medulla (Brainstem), and upper border of vertebra L2 or inferior border of L1?


The Central Canal. This is found in the central canal, and this is surrounding the Central canal.

What is CSF, and Gray matter?


This is the connective tissue surrounding the individual axon.

What is Endoneurium?


How many bones make up the vertebral column?

What is 33 bones ?


The number of pairs of spinal nerves.

What is 31?


This is an extension of pia mater that anchors the spinal cord to the coccyx, ends at the Conus Medullaris and this is the roots of spinal nerves hanging from the inferior end of the spinal cord.

What is Filum Terminale, and collectively Cauda Equina (Horse's tail)?


This structure is what the spinal cord passes through, and spinal nerves exit go through this structure.

What is Vertebral Foramina (Spinal Canal) AND Intervertebral Foramina (IVF)?


Cell Bodies of sensory neurons are located here.

What is Dorsal root Ganglion (DRG)?


What type of curvature do the cervical/lumbar and the thoracic/sacrococcygeal sections of the spine have?

What is Lordosis, a convex curve anteriorly and Kyphotic, a concave anteriorly


his root provides sensory input into the spinal cord.

What is the posterior (dorsal) root?


This is the space where fat is stored.

What is Epidural Space?


The Spinal Cord is suspended in the middle of its dural sheath by this.

What is Denticulate (Dentate) ligaments?


This is why spinal nerves are mixed, and which root does each of the stem from?

Efferent (Motor) and Afferent (Sensory) Fibers make up a mixed nerve, and Efferent (Motor) stem from Ventral root and Afferent (Sensory) Stem from Dorsal Root.


Damage to the Ventral Root results in 

What is Flaccid paralysis?


Spinal nerves exit by this opening in the vertebral column.

What is the intervertebral foramina?


These are the two regions in the spinal cord where the diameter of the spinal cord is Slightly larger. Why?

What is Cervical and Lumbar Englargements? (because they innervate the upper limbs and lower limbs)


The gray matter of the spinal cord surrounds the Spinal Canal and looks like a butterfly or the letter H. Both front and back have specific names. 

What are the dorsal or posterior horns AND ventral or anterior horns? 


Please list in order the connective tissue coverings of spinal nerves from inside out?

What is Myelin Sheath,Endoneurium, Perineurium, Epineurium. ?


If the spinal cord is transected or crushed?

What is spastic paralysis?

ex) Quadriplegic, paraplegic.


This root provides motor output from the spinal cord.

What is the anterior (ventral) root?


This is the list of the meninges and spaces from outermost to innermost, And this is the space that contains Cerebrospinal Fluid.

What is Epidural Space,Dura Mater, Subdural Space, Arachnoid, Subarachnoid Space, Pia Mater. Subarachnoid contains CSF?


Cell Bodies of somatic motor neurons and motor nuclei are located here. AND somatic sensory nuclei are here.

What is Anterior Gray Horns AND Posterior Gray Horns


These tracts carry sensory information.

What are the ascending tracts?


What are the curvature or the cervical/lumbar and the thoracic/sacrococcygeal sections of the spine have?

What is Lordosis, a convex curve anteriorly and Kyphotic, a concave anteriorly?


Nerve fibers that "cross over" from one side of the body to the other have this property.

What is decussation?