Erector Spinae Muscles
Transversospinal Muscles
Abdominal Muscles
Pelvic Floor/Respiratory Muscles
What are the 3 muscle groups that make up the Erector Spinae (lateral to medial)?
What is Iliocostalis, Longissimus, Spinalis.
What are the 3 muscle groups that make up the Transversospinal muscle (deep to superficial)?
What is Rotatores, Multifidus, Semispinalis.
What is the order of the lateral abdominal muscles, from superficial to deep?
What is External Abdominal Oblique, Internal Abdominal Oblique, Transversus Oblique.
True or False: The muscle fibers of the external intercostals and internal intercostals run in the same direction.
What is False. They run in opposite directions. Orient your hands so that your knuckles are facing out (external intercostals). Orient you hands so that you knuckles are facing in (internal intercostals).
What are the attachments of the sacrotuberous ligament?
What is O – Ischial tuberosity I – Posterior spines at the ilia, lateral sacrum & coccyx
True or False: All of the erector spinae muscles has a ‘lumborum’ muscle group?
What is False. Only the Iliocostalis muscle group has a ‘lumborum’ muscle group.
What are the attachments of the Rotatores Longus?
What is: O – transverse process of the vertebrae I – bases of the spinous processes (lamina) from the 2nd vertebrae above *A series of pairs of small muscles extending from the sacrum to the axis.
True or False: The rectus abdominus is attached to the thoracolumbar fascia.
What is False. It does not attach to the thoracolumbar fascia.
What is the action of the diaphragm during inhalation?
What is Draws the dome downward and causes the volume in the thorax to increase.
True or False: The Anterior Longitudinal Ligament checks flexion.
What is False. The ALL checks extension.
What are the attachments of the Longissimus Cervicis?
What is O – Transverse processes of T1-T5. I – Transverse processes of C2-C6
How many vertebral spaces does the Multifidus span before inserting?
What is 2-3.
Which abdominal muscles will rotate the trunk to the left on a stable pelvis?
What is Right external abdominal oblique, left internal abdominal oblique.
What are the attachments of the coccygeus?
What is O – ischial spine & pelvic surface of the sacrospinous ligament I – lateral margin of coccyx & related border of the sacrum
What ligament consists of a series of 3 bands that originates from the tip & boarders of the transverse process of L5 and attaches to the iliac crest?
What is Iliolumbar ligaments.
What is the bilateral & unilateral actions of the Spinalis Thoracis?
What is Bilateral – Extension Unilateral – Lateral Flexion.
What is the bilateral & unilateral action of the Semispinalis Capitis?
What is: Bilateral – extension of the neck and head Unilateral – lateral flexion and rotation of the neck and head to the opposite side
Which abdominal muscle will you palpate directly above the pubic symphysis during trunk flexion?
What is Rectus abdominus. O – pubic crest & pubic symphysis
True or False: The anterior rami of S3 & S4 innervates the Levator Ani.
What is True.
What spinal ligament connects laminae from the vertebrae above to the laminae of the vertebrae below?
What is Ligamentum Flavum.
What is the innervation of the Longissimus muscle group?
What is the Dorsal rami of the spinal nerves.
What is the innervation of the Semispinals Cervicis?
What is Dorsal rami of the cervical nerves.
What nerve innervates the external abdominal oblique?
What is Branches of the intercostals nerves (7-12).
When contracted, does the pubococcygeus muscle cause nutation or counternutation of the sacrum within the innominates?
What is Nutation of the sacrum within the innonminates.
What is the name of the ligament that the supraspinous ligament turns into at C7?
What is Ligamentum nuchae.