Physical Abilities
Functional Goals
Equipment Used

Limited movement of the head and neck.

What are the physical abilities of C1-C3?


Talking difficult, limited, or impossible. Breathing is dependent on a ventilator. Full assistance from others for daily tasks. Use of mouth stick, head control, sip and puff, or chin control for mobility devices. 

What are the functional goals of level C1-C3?


Cough assist device. Long straw for liquids. ECU for operating bed (head or voice activated, mouth stick controller). Power or manual lift, electric or semi-electric hospital bed, power w/c with pressure relief cushion. 

What equipment is needed for level C3-C4?


Has additional return of motor movement in the hips and knees.

What are the physical abilities of L1-L5?


Independent in all bed mobility and transfers with or without equipment. Independent in w/c propulsion across various surfaces and terrains. Ambulation depends on strength and movement of legs and level of household distances. May use a w/c for community mobility. Can load and unload w/c independently and drive with hand controls.

What are the functional goals of level L1-L5?

Suction equipment for clearing secretions, two ventilators. Mouth stick and assistive technology for speech/typing. Power or manual lift, electric or semi-electric hospital bed, power w/c with pressure relief cushion.

What equipment is needed for level C1-C3?


Usually has head and neck control. Potentially shrug shoulders.

What are the physical abilities of C3-C4?


Can complete daily tasks with specialized equipment and setup from caregiver. Mostly independent with feeding, grooming, and upper body dressing (UBD). Still needs some assistance for lower body dressing. Can assist with UBD and bathing. Can perform independent pressure relief with power tilt. May need some to no assistance for bed mobility with use of special equipment. Some-total assistance with AE needed for bowel and bladder management.

What are the functional goals of level C6?


Ultra-light w/c if necessary, leg braces extending to the hip, knee, or just the ankle/foot. Hand controls for transportation.

What equipment is needed for level L1-L5?


Has movement in the head, neck, shoulders, arms, and wrists. Can shrug shoulders, bend elbows, turn palms up and down, and extend wrists.

What are the physical abilities of C6?


Independent with eating and hygiene and grooming following setup from caregiver with use of specialized equipment. Total assist for bed mobility, transfers, and all other self-care. Need assistance for coughing. Can perform pressure relief in with power tilt. May have strength to push manual w/c short distances on level surfaces. Needs power w/c for daily activities. 

What are the functional goals of level C5?


Universal cuff, build up handles, curved utensils, long straws, etc for feeding. Leg lifter, dressing stick, zipper pull, and hook-on shoes for dressing. Rigid or folding light-weight w/c. 

What equipment is needed for level C7-T1?


Has normal motor function in head, neck, shoulders, arms, hands, and fingers. Has increased use of rib and chest muscles, or trunk control. 

What are the physical abilities of T2-T12?


Independent in all feeding, grooming, UBD with equipment. May need some assist for LBD and bathing with equipment. Independent in w/c pushups or lateral lean for pressure relief. Independent in manual w/c propulsion and level surface sliding board t/f. Some-total assist needed for bowel management with use of AE or meds. Potentially independent or some assist needed for bladder management with catheter at times. 

What are the functional goals of level C7-T1?


Universal cuff, scoop plate, long straw, etc. for feeding. Universal cuff for attaching to tooth brush, comb, adapted or electric razor, wash mitt for face. Roll-in padded shower and commode chair, or padded transfer tub bench. Cough-assist device. Power or manual lift, electric or semi-electric hospital bed, power w/c with pressure-relief cushion. Bed ladder, thigh straps, bed rails for bed mobility. 

What equipment is needed for level C5?