how many bones are the vertebrae made up of
what is right and lateral flexion?
the bending of the neck or body toward the right or left side.
what are the 3 group muscles of the torso?
erector spinae
deep posterior muscles
list the spinal flexors/extensors and their 3 stretches of the spine
spinal flexors-prone press up/upper back drape
spinal extensors-double knees to chest or kneeling knees to chest
spinal lateral flexors-side stretch
Correct trunk stabilization and alignment
Sound partnering technique
Development of adequate trunk strength, flexibility, and stabilization skills
List the five regions of the spine, include the name and number. example: chicken (12)
Cervical (7)
Thoracic (12)
lumbar (5)
sacral (5)
coccygeal (4)
flexion decreases the angle between the bones while extension increases the angle and straightens the joints.
list the subdivided groups of the most superficial and powerful muscles of the erector spinae and list their roles.
spinalis- spinal extension/lateral flexion
longissimus - extension, lateral flexion, and rotation of head/spine
lliocostalis - spinal extension, lateral flexion, rotation
what are the common types of low back injuries?
lumbosacral strain/sprain
disc herniation
what makes up the rib cage? (joints, vertebrae,etc) list the name and number
12 thoracic vertebrae
12 ribs
costal cartilage
where is the Transverse abdominis located and what is its function
it is located in the anterior abdomen and its function is to stabilize the spine
where is the semispinalis located?
only in the thoracic and cervical regions
List the common spinal injuries and what they are?
lumbar lordosis- abnormally large lumbar curvature
kyphosis- abnormally large thoracic curvature
fatigue posture: pelvis forward, upper torso back, no muscular effort.
cervical lordosis: abnormally large cervical curvature
flatback: abnormal decrease in lumbar curvature
scoliosis: curve in the spine
what letter do the rectus abdominis and latissimus dorsi form?
List the 4 abdominal muscle groups, what they are connected to, and where they are located.
rectus abdominis
external oblique abdominal
internal oblique
Transverse abdominis
connected to: linea alba
location: middle of trunk between pelvis and sternum
head tail movement
roll down
flat back
what is core stability?
Neuromuscular control of the lumbar spine and pelvis is vital for protecting the spine and skilled movement.
joints between _____ _____ =______ joints
what type of joint is this?
list the key functions of this joint?
what does this add to the ligaments?
joints between vertebral arches = facet joints
this is a gliding joint
key for direction and extent of segmental movement adds less and more rotation for different regions of the spine.
ligaments: add stability
what is the lumbosacral joint? what does it do to the pelvis, what bones are composed of it, why is it important and what is it susceptible to?
The lumbar region transfers weight to the pelvis, the joints are made up of bones L5 and S1, they are important for the movement of the spine and pelvis, movement forward, and are vulnerable to injury.
action: spinal lateral flexion
can prevent one side of the pelvis from dropping
what is the shear reduction theory?
Contraction of abdominals pulls back against the front of the lower spine, resisting lumbar hyperextension and anterior sliding of lower vertebrae.