Write in number form one and twenty-three hundredths.
What is 1.23?
What is the value of the digit 8 in the following number:
What is 8,000 ?
What do we call the top number in a fraction?
What is a numerator?
List the two formulas for volume:
v = LxWxH
v = BxH
Rounding rules read: When it's 5 or above give it a ___________. When it's 4 or below let it __________.
What is shove and go?
Write an equivalent decimal : 8.1
What is 8.10 or 8.100?
What is the value of the 5 in the following number?
What do we call the bottom number in a fraction?
What is a denominator?
A brick wall shaped like a rectangular prism has a length of 8 ft, a width of 2 ft, and a height of 3 ft. What is the volume?
What is 48 cubic feet?
Round to the nearest hundred:
What is 456, 800?
What place is the digit 3 in?
Write the following number in word form:
What method do we use when we divide fractions? (hint: think CHICKEN!)
What is the KFC method?
One box of Cheez Its has a volume of 310 cubic inches. Another box of crackers measures 10 inches tall, 8 inches long and 2 inches wide. What is the combined volume of the 2 boxes of crackers?
What is 470 cubic inches?
Round to the nearest tenth:
Compare : >,<, =
5.734 _____ 5.693
What is <?
Write this number in standard form:
four hundred sixty-three thousand, two hundred twelve
What is 463,212 ?
Simplify :
What is 1/2?
A shipping container has a base of 50 square feet and a height of 10 feet. What is the volume of the container?
What is 500 cubic feet?
Round to the nearest hundredth:
What is 346.98 ?
Add :
364.578 + 86.36
What is 450.938 ?
Write this number in expanded form:
76, 368
What is 70,000 + 6,000 + 300 + 60 + 8 ?
4/5 x 2/4 =
What is 8/20 ?
If a wall is 2 ft tall and has a total volume of 436 cubic feet, what is the base of the wall?
What is 218 square feet?
Round to the nearest whole number:
What is 88?