General Conference
LDS Pop Culture
Scriptural Heroes
Church history

In April 1980, general conference sessions were split between Salt Lake City and this location of the first church conference.

Peter Whitmer home in NY


This former republican presidential candidate ran against President Obama in the 2012 election.

Who is Mitt Romney?


This prophet held up the title of liberty and called on his fellow Nephites to defend their religion, freedom, peace, and families.

Who is Captain Moroni?


He is the "strength of youth"

Who is Jesus Christ?


The year the Aaronic Priesthood was restored

What is 1829?


General conference is interpreted into this many languages in the Conference Center and broadcast via satellite.

What is 43? 

Portions of general conference are interpreted into 93 different languages, taking the work of 800 people.


This 2014 movie featured six LDS families talking about their faith and lives as members of the Church.

What is "Meet the Mormons"?


This Book of Mormon prophet is a hero of President Nelson who followed his teaching to "liken all scriptures unto us".

Who is Nephi?


This word means to change - to turn away from sin and toward God

What is repentance?


The black walnut pulpit in the Conference Center is made from a tree planted by this prophet.

Who is Gordon B. Hinckley?


During one early October conference, the radio signals were switched and listeners heard 7 minutes of this  important game.

World Series


Dustybun's genius girlfriend Suzie helped to save the world in this show.

What is Stranger Things?


This son of King Benjamin is appointed to be the next king.

Who is Mosiah?


Love God and love your neighbor

What are the two greatest of all commandments?


The term used to refer to those ordained as an Apostle but not to the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles

What is an "Apostle at Large"?


The first time general conference was available on the internet?

What is 1999?


"Vote for Pedro" is the battle-cry in the hotly contested class elections of this 2004 classic starring LDS actor Jon Heder.

What is Napeolean Dynamite?


This Old Testament book tells the story of a women chosen as a queen who later saved many Jews by disclosing to her king that she herself was a Jew.

Who is Esther?


We should be careful that THIS does not replace spending in-person time with family and friends.

What is technology and media?

"Be careful that your use of technology and media does not replace spending in-person time with family and friends. Social media and other technology can take much of your time without giving a lot of value in return. Take a break from the virtual world, and connect with people in real life."


This man helped Joseph Smith translate most of the Book of Mormon

Who is Oliver Cowdery?


The general public was not invited to the April 1942 general conference because of this worldwide event.

World War II


In this popular video game series set in post-nuclear war America, Mormons are portrayed as one of the last surviving religions - with missionaries spreading religion to tribals in Zion National Park.

What is Fallout?


Although this prophet thought his contribution to the Book of Mormon was small (7 chapters over a few dozen pages), Elder Holland called him "the believer", "foe of the anti-Christ", and "the unshakable".

Who is Jacob?


These are the building blocks of your firm foundation in Christ.

What are covenants (baptism, sacrament, temple)?


The Apostle who referenced Chewbacca in a General Conference Talk.

Who is Dieter F. Uchtdorf (April 2016 - In reference to when your dad insists on taking a themed family photo and you get the Chewbacca costume)