Almost every religious person knows of this prayer, even people like Naomi Campbell, Cindy Crawford, and Tyra Banks knows it too.
What is the Model Prayer? (Matthew 6:9-13)
December 2017- jy
What is Jesus- The Way, The Truth, and The Life?
What is For a Certainly God Made Him Lord and Christ-part 1 & 2?
Look forward and not to the things behind
What is Remember the Wife of Lot?
September 2016- kr
What is "Let Your Kingdom Come" God's Kingdom Rules?
First century Christians in Jerusalem
What is Walk by Faith, Not by Sight?
October 2015- ia
What is Imitate Their Faith?
What is Pursue Goals That Honor God?
January 2013 and May 2004- cl
What is Draw Close to Jehovah?
What is "O Jehovah...I Trust in You?"
Remember your spiritual upbringing and resist the temptations of the world.
What is The Prodigal Returns?
The journey were on is not like I485, it's more like the back, unpaved, with no guardrail road.
What is the Board/Narrow Gate-Matthew 7:13,14?
August 2008-jd
What is Live With Jehovah's Day in Mind?