Who said this really obscurely referenced analogy?
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During which session did the children's choir wearing all white sing during conference?

Saturday Afternoon Session



(Saturday Evening Session)

Kristin M Yee

“Like my painting, the Lord is not done with us when we make a mistake, nor does He flee when we falter.”


President Henry B Eyring

"Simple Is the Doctrine of Jesus Christ" - The Doctrine of Christ

“For every hour spent instilling doctrine into a child’s life, there are countless hours of opposition filled with messages and images that challenge or ignore these saving truths.

"In the case of Alma the Younger, the sons of Mosiah and Enos, they remembered the words of their parents, words of the doctrine of Jesus Christ. 

"Remembering saved them."


"I pray that each of us, in our time and turn, will be able to declare, with covenant confidence, to our Heavenly Father and Savior Jesus Christ that 'what works for Thee, works for me.'"

Elder Ulisses Soares


“the glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together.”

President Russell M Nelson

At His Second Coming, “the glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together.” That day will be filled with joy for the righteous!


How many temples were announced in the Sunday Afternoon Session?




(Sunday Morning Session)

Tracy Y Browning

“God’s laws and commandments are not designed to be an obstacle in our lives, but a powerful gateway to personal revelation and spiritual education.” 


Elder Kearon

Welcome to The Church of Joy

“If you have yet to discover this joy, embark on its quest. This is an invitation to receive the Savior’s gift of peace, light and joy — to revel in it, to wonder at it and to rejoice in it, every Sabbath.”


"May we bury—very, very deep—any element of rebellion against God in our lives and replace it with a willing heart and a willing mind."

Elder D. Todd Christofferson


“O youth of the noble birthright, carry on, carry on, carry on!”

Bradley R. Wilcox

“O youth of the noble birthright, carry on, carry on, carry on!” I testify that you are loved—and you are trusted—today, in 20 years, and forever. Don’t sell your birthright for a mess of pottage. Don’t trade everything for nothing. Don’t let the world change you when you were born to change the world.


Who conducted Saturday Afternoon Session of conference?

Elder Gong


The Original Handheld Device

Quentin L Cook

“Above all, immerse yourself regularly in the Book of Mormon, which will draw the Spirit into your life and help you discern truth from error.” 


Elder David A Bednar

"In the Space of Not Many Years" --- Pride

“Ancient voices from the dust plead with us today to learn this everlasting lesson: Prosperity, possessions and ease constitute a potent mixture that can lead even the righteous to drink the spiritual poison of pride.” 


"I urge you to become engaged in family history, spend time in the temple, and carefully prepare yourself to be the kind of man or woman ready to marry an equally worthy companion in the temple. Develop a pattern in your life now to make the temple a regular part of your lives."

Elder Gary E Stevenson


“Following Christ is not a casual or occasional practice. It is a continuous commitment and way of life that should guide us at all times and in all places.”

President Dallin H Oaks


How many seats does the conference center have?

(Closest estimate wins)




(Saturday Afternoon Session)

Elder José A. Teixeira

“Like salt can lose its essence, we can also lose our spiritual vitality if our faith in Jesus Christ becomes casual. We may look the same on the outside, but without a strong inner faith, we lose our ability to make a difference in the world and bring out the best in those around us.”


Elder Gary E Stevenson

"Days Never to Be Forgotten" --- The best decade to come

“These upcoming moments will provide members of the Church everywhere with increased opportunities to share the glad tidings of the gospel of Jesus Christ through word and deed, a decade never to be forgotten.”


"I invite you to commit yourself more fully to the Savior, His gospel, and His Church. As you do so, you will find that the combination of the Savior’s gospel and His Church brings power into your life. This power is far greater than dynamite. It’ll shatter the rocks in your way, transform you into an inheritor in God’s kingdom. And you will be 'filled with that joy which is unspeakable and full of glory.'"

Elder Dale G Renlund


“Just as dynamite without nitroglycerin is unremarkable, the Savior’s Church is special only if it is built on His gospel. Without the Savior’s gospel and the authority to administer the ordinances thereof, the Church isn’t exceptional.”

Elder Dale G Renlund

During his talk in the Sunday Afternoon Session, what color was President Nelson's tie?




Elder Uchtdorf

(Sunday Afternoon Session)

“Jesus Christ and His atoning sacrifice are the root of our testimony. All other things are branches.” 


Elder Jeffrey R Holland

"I Am He" - The "divine DNA" of Jesus Christ

“They have reduced His righteousness to mere prudishness, His justice to mere anger, His mercy to mere permissiveness. We must not be guilty of such simplistic versions of Him that conveniently ignore teachings we find uncomfortable.” 


President Nelson's Main Invitation

(Hint: He wants us to do this for the rest of our lives!)

“I urge you to devote time each week — for the rest of your life — to increase your understanding of the Atonement of Jesus Christ.”


"... the Holy Ghost ..."

David P. Homer

“He will respond to our sincere prayers through the Holy Ghost as we seek to understand truths we do not yet fully appreciate.”