World Religions
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Signs of Autumn
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Mischief, Magic, & Mayhem
October Fun Facts

This religion's holy scripture is the Torah, which includes the first five books of the Bible.

A) Islam

B) Christianity

C) Judaism

D) Hinduism

Answer: C) Judaism


In this breathing technique, individuals inhale for four counts, hold for four, exhale for four, and hold again for four.

A) Box Breathing

B) Diaphragmatic Breathing

C) Alternate Nostril Breathing

D) Fire Breath

Answer: A) Box Breathing


The days can be hot during the fall, but you’ll feel the chill during these two times of day.

What are morning and night? Fall and spring are transitional seasons that feature incremental but major changes in temperature during their three-month spans.


In the 1960s television series The Addams Family, what is the name of the daughter who embraces the grim and often causes chaos?

Wednesday Addams. Her most cherished toy is a headless doll.


What is the term for the act of magically summoning an object into existence?

Conjuring. A supernatural horror film called The Conjuring was released in 2013 and stars Patrick Wilson, Vera Farmiga, and Ron Livingston.


This American fast-food giant opened its doors in the United Kingdom on October 1, 1974.

What is McDonald’s? It opened in the south of London, and the location is still open today.


The concept of Karma, where actions have future consequences, is central to this religion.

A) Buddhism

B) Christianity

C) Hinduism

D) Judaism

Answer: C) Hinduism


In this seated chair yoga pose, you extend one leg out to the side while keeping the other bent, and raise your arms overhead or out to the side, emulating a traditional standing Warrior pose.

A) Seated Triangle Pose

B) Seated Warrior Pose

C) Seated Eagle Pose

D) Seated Tree Pose

Answer: B) Seated Warrior Pose


This full moon happens during the fall, either in September or October.

What is the harvest moon? It’s the brightest of all the full moons, giving off an orange glow like a big pumpkin in the sky.


Who wrote the classic horror novel Frankenstein?

Mary Shelley. She penned the tale after an evening huddled around the fireplace with friends telling ghost stories.


What is the name of the legendary magician and escape artist who died on Halloween in 1926?

Harry Houdini. He initially gained a reputation as the “King of Handcuffs.”


Born September 1, 1939, this comedian was a regular on Rowan & Martin’s Laugh-In, and she starred in the 1980 film 9 to 5 with Dolly Parton and Jane Fonda.

Who is Lily Tomlin? Her most popular role on Laugh-In was telephone operator Ernestine.


The Bodhi Tree is sacred in this religion because it is where the founder attained enlightenment.

A) Christianity

B) Hinduism

C) Judaism

D) Buddhism

Answer: D) Buddhism


In sound therapy, this term describes the tuning of body frequencies to achieve healing through sound vibrations.

A) Harmonization

B) Chakra Alignment

C) Frequency Therapy

D) Sound Bath

Answer: D) Sound Bath


This fruit grown in Washington state is in season and a sign of fall.

What are apples? Experts recommend isolating apples so their ethylene won’t

ripen other fruit prematurely. Did you know the world produces more than 7,500 varieties of



What were the magic words used to gain access to a locked room in the 1944 film Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves?

“Open sesame.” The movie’s captivating storyline helped solidify the expression “open sesame” as a reference for unlocking secrets or hidden realms.


What magic word is often associated with granting wishes and comes from the Hebrew words meaning “I will create as I speak”?

Abracadabra. Abracadabra is a term that English showmen picked up after seeing rabbis perform healings. They used the word as a sort of incantation.


Every year, the U.S. Supreme Court convenes its new session on this Monday in October.

What is the first Monday? The start date is set by statute. Did you know that the term sitting refers to hearing cases? Alternatively, the court is in recess when it considers cases, writes briefs, and issues decisions and orders.


The concept of the Trinity—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit—is a core belief in this religion.

A) Christianity

B) Judaism

C) Islam

D) Buddhism

Answer: A) Christianity


This meditation technique focuses on repeating a word or phrase to cultivate mindfulness or calm.

A) Mantra Meditation

B) Guided Visualization

C) Loving-Kindness Meditation

D) Zen Meditation

Answer: A) Mantra Meditation


Trees, shrubs, and vines that lose their leaves fall into this category.

What is deciduous? Those that keep their leaves and pine needles are known as evergreen.


In what 1993 movie do the three Sanderson sisters cause mischief and mayhem as witches on a quest for eternal youth?

Hocus Pocus. The sisters are Winifred, Sarah, and Mary, and they are played by Bette Midler, Sarah Jessica Parker, and Kathy Najimy.


What is the name of the ghostly holiday celebrated in Mexico that coincides with Halloween?

Day of the Dead, or Día de los Muertos. It’s a day when people pay tribute to departed ancestors and to the souls of loved ones who have passed.


Born October 20, 1882, this Hungarian actor is renowned for his portrayal of Dracula on stage and screen.

Who is Bela Lugosi? When Lugosi first appeared on Broadway in 1922, he knew little English. When he passed in 1956, he was buried in his Dracula cape.


Followers of this religion pray five times a day, facing Mecca.

A) Christianity

B) Buddhism

C) Judaism

D) Islam

Answer: D) Islam


Music therapy is especially effective in promoting this emotional state, which helps patients process trauma or grief.

A) Euphoria

B) Relaxation

C) Catharsis

D) Alertness

Answer: C) Catharsis


The waning sunlight in the fall leads to a reduced production of this in plants.

What is chlorophyll? Chlorophyll is required for photosynthesis. This process feeds the plants and gives them their color during the spring and summer. The lack of sunlight causes the leaves to have brilliant fall colors.


What is the name of the Peanuts character who every year spends Halloween night waiting for the Great Pumpkin in a pumpkin patch?

A. Charlie Brown
B. Linus
C. Snoopy 

B. Linus van Pelt


What types of cards date back to the 1400s and are commonly used in fortune-telling to gain insights into a person’s future?

Tarot. The cards are said to be steered by spiritual forces, and although each card has several meanings, a person’s meaning is decided by which would apply to the situation or question being asked.


Octo-, the first part of the word October, gives a hint that October was originally in this numerical position on the calendar.

What is the eighth month? Octo- means “eight” in Latin and Greek. Under the ancient Roman lunar calendar, there were 12 months, but only 10 had names. The named months began in March. With the switch to the solar Julian calendar, all 12 months were named. The original 10 months retained their names but not their numerical positions when January and February were added to the calendar.