Youth Sports
College Sports
Rest and Relaxation
Team Culture
End of Competitive Sports Career

This developmental theory focuses on psychosocial crises for each stage

What is Erikson's Theory of Psychosocial Development?


This type of mental health disorder involves low motivation, loss of interest, increased or decreased sleep, weight or appetite change, and possible thoughts of death

What is depression?


This type of rest focuses on inactivity

What is passive rest?


This communication style focuses on respecting the thoughts and feelings of self and others

What is assertive communication style?


This is the phrase for the end of competitive sport playing career

What is athlete retirement?


This person's stages of cognitive development include stages such as sensorimotor and preoperational stages

Who is Piaget?


This barrier to college student athletes seeking mental health support is pretending nothing is wrong

What is denial?


This type of rest has movement involved in some way

What is active rest?


This is the freedom of individuals to express themselves within the team

What is psychological safety?


This athlete retirement struggle focuses on trying to figure out who they after their sport

What is loss of identity?


This person's theory of cognitive development focus on social influences and scaffolding 

Who is Vygotsky?


This barrier to college students seeking mental health support is concerns of what other people may think

What is stigma?

This is the cessation of thoughts about stressful aspects of work away from work

What is psychological detachment?


This conflict resolution style has one person neglect their own needs to keep the peace

What is accommodating conflict resolution style?


These are a set of skills that can be used in other areas of life

What are transferrable skills?


This is the name of the person who reports concerns of harm, abuse, or neglect for a minor

Who is a mandated reporter?


According to Erikson, people around this age are trying to navigate this psychosocial crisis

What is intimacy vs isolation?


This physical and emotional exhaustion corresponds to feelings of physical and emotional fatigue due to the demands of training and competition

What is burnout?


This stage of team development has increased respect and team feeling, increased trust, and less leadership needed from coach besides strategy and growth direction

What is the norming stage?


This transferrable skill focuses on being able to work with others in different roles while working towards the same goal

What is teamwork?


This is done when there are concerns for harm, abuse, or neglect towards a minor

What is mandated reporting?

This decision making process can help with deciding how to support a college student athlete in a mental health crisis

What is a referral tree?


This type of practice mindfully uses rest periods to facilitate to help with memory and recovery

What is distributed practice?


This type of leadership style focuses on considering each individual of the group, inspiration, and charisma

What is Transformational Leadership?


This transferrable skill focuses on being able to take feedback from others for growth

What is coachability?