Brain & Autonomic Nervous System
SEL Competencies

These characteristics are present in this type of brain: open to new information, is calm, peaceful, curious, & realizes mistakes are a part of learning.

What is the learning brain? 


This competency focuses on applying tools to manage one’s emotions and the ability to use calming strategies.

What is self-management?


These are the results of this practice: improved self-awareness, self-regulation, mental health, academic performance, resiliency, motor skills, decision-making.

What is a consistent yoga practice? 


The result of this practice occurs when students learn best when they feel safe and supported by the adults around them.

What is being trauma-informed? 


These are some of the effects: Can impair learning, attention, memory, cognition (critical thinking), behavior, feelings

What are some effects of trauma?


This is responsible for memory and learning; like miracle grow for the brain

What is BDNF? 


This competency focuses on identifying connections between thoughts, feelings, values and having a growth mindset.

What is self-awareness?


These are referred to as what type of tools: Conscious breathing, brain breaks, yoga poses, relaxation?

What are some yoga tools? 


These are some considerations for this type of lesson planning: predictable, empowering, uses language of inquiry, provides option to observe

What is trauma-informed lesson planning?


This practice helps students learn how to find safety in their bodies, to tolerate uncomfortable and pleasurable sensations, become aware of their internal state & how it affects thoughts, feelings, behavior.

What is trauma-informed yoga? 


These characteristics are present in this type of brain: hyper-focused on threat, black and white thinking; fears mistakes and being called on.

What is the survival brain?


This competency focuses on showing empathy and compassion for others, especially from diverse backgrounds and cultures.

What is social awareness?


This can be used in a classroom to help students reset. Items may include calming tools, coloring pages, coping skills list, etc.)

What is a peace(ful)/calming corner?


This is the cost to build the original Spoede building.

What is $70,000?


Some of the types are: Shock, Developmental, Intergenerational, Historical, Collective

What are five types of trauma?


These occur in this part of the ANS: Rest and digest, slower heart rate, activates freeze response.

What is the Parasympathetic Nervous System? 


This competency focuses on developing positive relationship skills and learning problem-solving and conflict resolution skills.

What is relationship skills?


This calming technique helps one recenter and provides a sense of calm, safety, and security.

What is grounding?


This current staff member has been at Spoede the longest. 

What is Jennifer Johnson? 


This is how long can it take for a body to metabolize adrenaline.

What is 45 minutes to one hour?


These occur in this part of the ANS: fight/flight response, perceived threat; physiological changes in the body (increased heart rate, adrenalin, etc.).

What is the Sympathetic Nervous System?


This competency focuses on social/behavior norms and constructs including following expectations as well as making good choices. 

What is responsible decision making?


The goal of this practice is to increase awareness to help regulate emotions.

What is yoga?


This technique is used help de-escalate from the alarm state.

What is PAGE?


These strategies help with this type of response: allow time to cool off (provide calming space, corner); offer to meet basic needs (snack, water, bathroom); suggest strategies to help regulate (breath, yoga poses); Chanting affirmations; Synchronicity- binaural beats.

What is a trauma response?