Historically Halloween
Candy Crush
Creepy Creatures
Seasonal Movies
Did You Know?

The celebration of Halloween originated in this country known for stunning landscapes and rich history.

What is Ireland?


This taffy-like confectionery, included in U.S. soldier ration boxes due to their long shelf life, was the first wrapped penny candy in America.

What is a Tootsie Roll?


This shapeshifting creature is a popular subject in horror films, second only to vampires.

What is a werewolf?


In the 1993 cult classic Disney film Hocus Pocus, these three witch sisters were resurrected by a group of teenagers in Salem, Massachusetts.

Who are Winifred, Mary, and Sarah?


This popular Halloween song released in 1982 was almost named “Starlight"

What is “Thriller” by Michael Jackson


Known as the birthplace of the Post-it-note, rollerblades, and waterskiing, this state held the first city-wide Halloween celebration in the United States in 1920.

What is Minnesota?


This popular Halloween candy, invented in the 1800s by George Renninger, was originally called "Chicken Feed."

What is Candy Corn?


According to some folklore tales, this evil mythical being is repelled by garlic and running water.

What is a vampire?


Originating from a dream the author had, this book turned movie was almost called ‘Forks’ instead of its given name.

What is Twilight?


Phasmophobia is the intense fear of this ghoulish spirit.

What is a ghost?


The Irish and Scottish started carving this cruciferous vegetable as Jack-O'-Lanterns before they realized carving pumpkins was much easier.

What is a turnip?


Founded in 1935 by a British candy company, this chocolate bar was previously known as "Rowntree's Chocolate Crisp."

What is a KitKat?


These reanimated corpses are often depicted in fiction violently attacking or eating humans.

What are zombies?


This stop-motion dark fantasy musical is commonly mistaken for a Christmas movie, but many people claim it a Halloween Movie as it was released on October 29th, 1993.

What is The Nightmare Before Christmas?


This actor, known for starring in a romantic comedy alongside Julia Roberts, was born on Halloween.

Who is Dermot Mulroney?


Home to over 2 million lakes, this country had the first recorded use of the phrase “trick-or-treat” in 1927.

What is Canada?


In the beloved 1980's film E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial, a friendly alien is lured into a young boy's house by a trail of this candy.

What are Reese’s Pieces?


A skeletal figure thought to escort departed souls to the afterlife.

What is the Grim Reaper?


This spine-chilling account of a creature that awakens every 27 years to feed on the fears of children grossed over $700 million worldwide, making it one of the highest-grossing horror films of all time.

What is It?


A nutritional powerhouse of a vegetable once thought to have supernatural powers on Halloween.

What is cabbage?


With row after row of above-ground tombs, this city has been long known as one of the most haunted in America.

What is New Orleans?


Designated as the official snack food of the 1984 Summer Olympics in Los Angeles, this candy is now the number-one bestselling candy bar in the world with global sales of $3.6 billion.

What is a Snickers?


A female spirit believed to foretell death by screaming or wailing in Irish mythology.

What is a banshee?


Produced and directed by Alfred Hitchcock in 1960, this thriller shocked audiences as the first American film to show a toilet on screen and to hear a toilet being flushed.

What is Psycho?


On October 30, 1958, this First Lady decorated the White House for Halloween for the first time.

Who is Mamie Eisenhower?