Spooky Movies

This 1960 classic horror film takes place at the infamous Bates Motel.

What is Psycho


This aromatic bulb is a must have if you're trying to keep vampires at bay.

What is garlic.

This holiday boasts the highest candy sales in the US and Canada.

What is Halloween


No one has found one yet, but there are lots of TV shows focused on locating this giant "man of the forest".

What is/Who is Bigfoot/Sasquatch


Adapted from one of Stephen King's classic (and lengthy) novels - this film's big bad monster is a literal sewer dweller. 

What is "It"


Often represented as stone carvings atop medieval castles, these beasties are said to scare evil spirits away.

What are Gargoyles


This fluffy and colourful carnival treat was, ironically, invented by a dentist.

What is Cotton Candy.


Feared by seafarers for centuries - this enormous, tentacled beastie can take down even the most powerful vessel.

What is the Kraken


These three rules, 1. Keep them out of direct light 2. Don’t get them wet 3. Don’t feed them after midnight, will keep you safe from the monsters in this movie.

What is Gremlins.


This shrieking female spirit hails from Irish folklore and is said to herald the death of a loved one.

What is a Banshee


Hate it or love it, this hat shaped, tricolored halloween classic was created by the Wunderle Candy Company in 1880 

What is Candy Corn


This shape shifting cannibal with a heart of ice and an insatiable hunger is said to haunt the forests and plains of North America.

What is the "Wendigo"


This supernatural thriller was the first horror movie ever nominated for a best picture Oscar.

What is "the exorcist"


This shapeshifting clam-like dragon creature haunts the waters of China and creates deadly mirages.

What is the Shen/Chen.


This delicacy was first discovered and enjoyed by the Olmec people in Ancient Mesoamerica.

What is chocolate


This water-lurking creature of Australia has been described as disfigured sea dog or mammal-like starfish.  It preys on women and children and lays its eggs in platypus nests.

What is the Bunyip.


Pyscho, The Silence of the Lambs, and Texas Chainsaw Massacre were all inspired by this real life criminal.

Who is Ed Gein


This blood sucking tree famous in Japanese folklore grows only on the site of former battlefields and will capture and consume any unlucky travellers that cross its path.

What is the Jubokko


This staple of any modern confectioner only saw wide adoption in Europe during the 16th century and was exclusively enjoyed by the wealthy and powerful.

What is sugar


Alleged to live in the deepest parts of the Gobi desert - this nasty critter is the length of a human intestine and is so poisonous "to touch it means instant death".

What is the Mongolian Death Worm?