Two words for people watching a sport event.
Spectators, the crowd
The first person ever to break a backboard
Who is Darrel Dawkins
Which country is famous for sumo wrestling?
How many players are on a soccer team?
The # of teams in the NBA
What is 32
What is the place where soccer games are played called?
A field
The south's big three
Who are Bosh, James, and Wade
In which country is cricket the most popular sport?
What sport is played at Wimbledon?
Players swim and throw the ball into a goal.
Water polo
What do players hit in tennis?
A ball
What do you need to go skiing?
Where did the Olympics originate?
How many rings are on the Olympic flag?
This sport is played on a table with a small ball and paddles.
Table Tennis / Ping pong
What do you call the person who judges the game?
A referee
What do tennis players use to hit the ball?
A racket
What country is known for its ice hockey teams?
What is the most popular sport in the world?
Soccer / Football
Athletes run, jump, or throw in this track and field event.
What is the name of the person who coaches a team?
A coach
Considered the best player ever that even played minor league baseball
Who is Michael Jordan
Which country is home to the Tour de France?
What is the name of the race where runners try to complete 26.2 miles?
A marathon
This sport involves racing on a track with fast, small cars.
Car racing