Prevents monopolies and promotes competition
Sherman Antitrust Act
A court order that stops trademark infringement activity until a trial begins is a(n)
All the ways in which people differ
Culture within a culture....known as the less dominate culture
The Principal of South Garner
Mr. Faison
Federal law that provides trademark protection
Lanham Act
The RIGHT that provides financial protection from unauthorized use of Name/Image/Likeness
Hint: ________ of ______
Right of Publicity
Inborn differences that cannot be changed
Primary Diversity
Customs, Habits, and Traditions of a Particular Group of People
10th Grade Administrator
Mr. Edwards
An economic system that depends on honest, healthy competition between businesses
This "RIGHT" provides emotional and mental protection
Person can sue for invasion of
privacy when seclusion is invaded
Hint: ______ of ________
Right of Privacy
Differences that may change over time
Secondary Diversity
Image or an assumption about a person, group of people
Stereotypes or Prejudices
11th Grade Administrator
Ms. Holland
A type of insurance that protects organizations or sponsors from loss of income due to contest awards
Prize Indemnity
Act that allows the agreements between sports/event organizations and TV networks about broadcasting game(s)
Sports Broadcasting Act
The willingness to adjust your opinions and behaviors so that you value people and ideas from other cultures
Cultural Sensitivity
Facial expressions, gestures, appearance, no talking
Non-Verbal Communication
12th Grade Administrator
Mr. Wallace
Reselling tickets for more than their face value
Ticket Scalping
Which Act gave all U.S. workers right to organize into unions to collectively bargain and strike
National Labor Relations Act
The belief that your own culture is naturally better than other cultures
9th Grade Administrators (There are two administrators) Mr. Saunders and .....
Mr. Espinal