Do 15 Jumping Jacks
You did it
What exercise requires you to get on the floor and put your hands on your chest. Also you have to go up and down and not move your feet.
Give me a number 5 to 15
Now you have to do the number you chose in jump roping
Pick a number 10 through 20
That is how long you have to hold yourself with one leg up and one leg on the floor with your hands together and praying hands
These are the bonus questions: what exercise requires you stand away from a wall run up to it and hit it
This is a very hard question to answer but the answer is wall touch
Do 5 squats
Yay you did it
What sport requires you to run around outside
Track and field
Give me a number 10 to 20
Now the number that you chose have Malik help you do that amount of push-ups.
Pick a number 20 through 30
The number you chose is how long you have to hold a wall set
What is a very famous sport that is done in the Olympics and there's a boy and girl version of it but the girls version is softer
DO 20 arm circles
Good Job
What sport requires a racket a net on the floor and a ball
Pick a number 5 through 10
Now the number you chose is the amount of burpees you have to do
Pick a number 5 through 30
That is how long you have to have a dance party and when the timer is up you have to pause in your position and hold it for 10 seconds
What is a fun sport that requires you to snow be covered up. It is an Olympics and you need a board