Working in the Sports Industry
Sociocultural Aspects of Sport
The U.S. Sports Industry
Sport in the Global Marketplace
Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats are elements of this decision making tool.
What is a SWOT analysis?
Teamwork, loyalty, fair play, humility and honesty are societal values within this sociocultural theory.
What is functionalism, or functionalist theory?
This segment of the NCAA is comprised of schools playing at the highest level of football.
What is Football Bowl Subdivision (FBS)?
Entities that can be identified with a particular country/nation but operate some production processes abroad, seeking to move into external markets.
What is Multinational Corporations?
Fans consume sport, while managers do THIS.
What is "direct the process"?
Sociology, ethics, marketing, public relations, law, finance and sales are all aspects of this.
What is strategic management (also accepted: sport management decision making)?
This Marxist-based social theory emphasizes social and political inequalities and the resulting power differentials, or in other words, pits the powerful versus the powerless.
What is conflict theory?
College sport, professional sport, youth sports, Olympic sports, sport facilities, sport media, sport agents, athlete foundations and sport tourism are all subindustries within this.
What is the U.S. Sports marketplace (or U.S. Sports industry)?
This is a condition where everything is the same or in the process of becoming uniform and undifferentiated.
What is global homogenization?
This division of the NCAA must offer at least seven (7) sports for men and seven (7) for women, with at least two teams for each gender.
What is Division I?
Game operations, building maintenance, staffing, security and concessions are aspects of this functional area of sport management.
What is facility management?
A set of material practices and symbolic construction, which constitutes an institution's organizing principles.
What is institutional logics?
This is the act of granting another entity the right to produce products that bear a trademarked logo.
What is licensing, or licensed merchandise?
This is the process through which a cultural form is turned into a product to be sold to market.
What is commodification?
Increased professionalism in college sports, the exploitation of minorities and the public subsidization of professional sports are a few of the issues generally raised by this theory.
What is conflict theory?
FIVE examples of jobs or careers in the sport management field.
What are: (any number of positions accepted)
Enhancing, orthogonal, overconformity and counterculture are types of these.
What are subcultures?
In professional sports, the president, marketing director, ticket sales manager, public relations specialist, finance director and game operations director are examples of this SIDE of the team or league.
What is the "business side"?
This involves the inscribing of meaning to a particular product.
What is cultural (symbolic) production?
The unquestioned acceptance of cultural norms.
What is overconformity?
A learning model in which staff from partnering sport businesses serve as instructional leaders and facilitators alongside sport management faculty that enhances student understanding of the sport management curriculum.
What is metadiscrete experiential learning?
The three social areas discussed in the "Sociocultural Aspects of Sport" chapter.
What are: Functionalist Theory (or functionalism) Conflict Theory Critical Theory
In professional sports, the general manager, coaching staff and players are examples of this SIDE of the team or league.
What is the "talent side"?
These are the four networks of global connectivity.
What are: Political networks, economic networks, technological networks and cultural networks?
This theory asserts that countries, nations, corporations, politics, economies and cultures are actually becoming more differentiated.
What is global heterogenization?