The most stable part of your personality, your values, beliefs and your interests, the "real you"
What is your psychological core?
The 2 questions you need to ask yourself when selecting a conflict style
How important is it that I get what I want and how important is the relationship?
Goals that are result focused and not in your complete control
What are outcome goals?
When you play without conscious thought and compete with confidence, it is the goal of peak performance
What is the flow state or being in the zone?
Assigning a worth to a message before it is entirely received
What is a value judgement?
How we usually respond to the world around us
What are our typical responses?
The "DESC" formula to control conflict
What is Describe the situation, Express your feelings, Specify what you want to happen, and what the positive Consequences will be?
A specific standard or proficiency on a task, usually within a set amount of time
What is a goal?
Goal setting , Imagery, relaxation, energization and self-talk
What are mental training tools?
STP according to John Assaraf
What is your Strategy, Tactics, Process- essentially your action plan?
Pete Carroll's central theme to his coaching philosophy
The five animal conflict styles
What are the turtle, teddy bear, shark, fox, and owl?
Goals that focus on achieving performance standards in reference to one’s past performances
What are performance goals?
Media hype, importance put on the games by players, coaches, parents and friends, money, fame and ego
Reasons why we have pressure in sport?
A technique when you give positive feedback, then instructional feedback, then positive feedback again.
A set of beliefs and principles that guide your behavior when you are challenged most.
What is a coaching philosophy?
The number 1 barrier that gets in the way of communication
What is frame of reference?
Goals that focus on reaching subjective standards needed to complete a task
What are process goals?
What is Mental Skills Training?
John Assaraf's reason of motivation
What is a person's Big Why?
How you act based on your perceived social situation
What are role related behaviors?
65% of communication
What is non-verbal communication?
The two types of successes we discussed in our goal setting lecture
What are Comparison success and Achievement success?
Motivation, Energy management, Attention and stress management, Confidence
What are the Mental Skills?
The science behind how people act when participating in an exercise or sport
What is sport and exercise psychology?