1.01 SEM Industry
1.02 SEM and the Community
1.03 Motivational Factors
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Please give three traits that are needed to be successful for a career in the Sport and Event Marketing industry. 

Leader, competitive, problem solver, positive attitude, detail oriented, creative, flexible, adaptable, etc. 


What is the definition of Economic Wellbeing? 

This is when people have their most basic survival needs met and have sustainable income. 


What is one way sport marketers identify sport/event motivators?

By using Surveys, Social Media, Face-to-Face, Focus Groups, Promotions, etc. 


What are Stakeholders?

Stakeholders are anyone that care about the event. EX: Investors, Employees, Customers, Community Members, etc. 


What company's logo is a Swish?



What is the definition of Sports Marketing? 

The involvement of sports to develop, promote and distribute goods and/or services to satisfy the needs and wants of consumers.


What are two negative impacts of the SEM Industry on the community?

Cities held "hostage" by team, diverting of resources from other priorities, increase in traffic, possible increase in crime. 


What is the difference between Extrinsic and Intrinsic Motivation?

Extrinsic- The engaging of an activity for an outside reward or prize. 

Intrinsic- The engaging of an activity for its inherent satisfaction rather than for some separable consequence. 


How does SEM contribute to the economic growth of a community?

Through creation of jobs, tourism, more consumer spending, etc. 


What MLB team has the most championships?

The Yankees


What is a Hallmark Sporting Event? Also, give one example of this type of event. 

A Hallmark Sporting Event is an event that represents and economically important part of the overall sport industry. 


What is the definition of Fiscal Economic Impact?

Government tax revenue generated from hosting an event. (Sales tax, Food service tax, and Parking fees)


List the three Buying Motives. 

Patronage Motive, Emotional Motive, and Rational Motive.


What is the definition of Emotional Buying Motive?

Motives that are based on feelings. Either social approval, recognition, power, love, and prestige. 


What team has the most NBA championships?

The Boston Celtics


What are the two most common types of Stadium Event Promotions? Define each. 

Walk-In Promotions and In-Stadium Promotions. Walk-ins are promotions given as the spectator walks inside the stadium or arena. In-Stadium promotions occur during the event inside the stadium. With examples being t-shirt tosses, mascot races, etc. 

What is the definition of Induced Economic Impact? 

The response by an economy to an initial change (direct effect). Occurs through re-spending. 


What is the difference between Rational Buying Motive and Patronage Buying Motive? 

Rational Buying Motives are based on conscious, logical thinking, and decision making. Patronage Motives are based on loyalty. 


Why is it important for Sport Marketers to know why people participate in/attend their events? 

So they can use that information in their marketing. (Target Marketing) 


Which NFL team's logo is a symbol that means lily flower?

The New Orleans Saints

Give three types of businesses that offer careers in the Sport and Event Marketing Industry. 

Teams, universities, media, news industry, parks and rec departments, event planning, venues, etc. 


What is the difference between Direct and Indirect Economic Impact?

Direct Impact is the money spent by visitors while the event is occurring. Indirect Impact is the expenditure of event workers after the event.


Please list and describe one of the four sport/event motivators. 

Social Motives- The opportunity to experience social interaction with others or to feel part of a community. 

Organizational Motives- The need for status or recognition that they have been part of an event. 

Physiological Motives- The need for relaxation or exercise. 

Personal Motives- Motives that are unique to each attendee. 


What is the difference between Sports Marketing and Event Marketing?

Sports Marketing is the involvement of sports to develop, promote and distribute goods and/or services to satisfy the needs and wants of consumers. 

Event Marketing is the designing or developing a “live” themed activity, occasion, display or exhibit (such as a sports, music festival, fair or concert)to promote a product, cause, or organization.


When was basketball invented?