Who is this Basketball player
Lebron James??
Which Athlete holds the World Record for the 100 meter, 200, 4 x 100 relay
Usain Bolt?
Whos nickname is King James
Lebron James?
You must put a Ball through a Tall Basket
You need a Ball and a hoop
Who is this athlete
Usian Bolt
Which Basketball player Was Born December 30, 1984
Lebron Jamesss?
Whos Nickname is the Black Momba
Kobe Bryant
You must throw a oval Ball to a receiver
This sport used a Metal Racket to hit a small ball
Who this basketball player
Dennis Rodman?
Which Athlete was Known As one of the best sluggers
Mickey Mantlea?
Whose Nick Name is Lighting Bolt?
Usian Bolt?
There is a hard rubber puck you hit with a stick
This sport uses a Metal long Stick to hit a small ball
Who is this famous tennis player
Serena Williams
Whos initials are K.B
Kobe Bryant??
Mickey Mantle
You have to hit a person with gloves
ball that is kicked
soccer ball
Who is this famous Football player
O.J Simpson
Serena Williams
Whos nickname is Meka
Serena Williams
A competitive bat and ball sport that is usually played in South Asia, Australia, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, Southern Africa and the West Indies
You need a soft Long pallet to hit a small ball