Sports Equipment and Safety
Coaching Styles
The Role of a Coach
Social and Physical Benefits of Sports
Sports Etiquette and Rules

This is a vital element of risk management in sports, designed to prevent injury and ensure a smooth flow of the game.

What is a risk management system?


This coaching style is known for demanding discipline and being strict on performance.

What is authoritarian coaching?


This is a key skill of successful coaches that involves planning, running practices, and managing player fitness.

What is organisation?


A key benefit of participating in sports, allowing individuals to connect and form new relationships.

What is making new friends or socialising?


This sport, often played on a lawn, is known for its strict etiquette rules, including players taking turns and showing respect.

What is golf?


A key piece of equipment used in rugby league, essential for scoring points and passing.

What is a rugby ball?


A coaching style where the coach allows the players to take the lead in decision-making and has a relaxed approach.

What is laissez-faire coaching?


Coaches often take on this role outside the field, ensuring their players stay motivated and mentally supported.

What is a motivator or counsellor?


This social benefit of sports helps individuals learn how to respect opponents and show consideration during competition.

What is sportsmanship?


Unlike gameplay rules, these rules are designed to keep players safe and avoid injuries.

What are safety rules?


This common safety hazard on a sports field can cause players to trip or fall and must be addressed during gameplay.

What is a divot (or stick/object) on the field?


Coaches using this method encourage open communication and teamwork but maintain overall decision-making authority.

What is democratic coaching?


Besides their work with players, coaches often have this duty, engaging with the public and the press.

What are media commitments?


Playing sports can teach this critical skill, which helps individuals work together toward a common goal.

What is teamwork?


In this sport, players and spectators are expected to maintain silence during an opponent's serve, demonstrating respect for concentration and focus.

What is tennis?


In this global sport, players are required to wear shin guards as the primary piece of protective gear to prevent leg injuries from tackles.

What is soccer (or football)?


This coaching style focuses heavily on the mental and emotional development of players, prioritizing personal growth over performance outcomes.

What is holistic coaching?


This role requires a coach to analyse team performance and create strategies to improve player development and achieve success.

What is a strategist (or tactician)?


Regular physical activity offers this physical benefit, helping maintain strong bones and muscles.

What is improved physical strength?


In this sport, a unique form of etiquette involves allowing faster players to pass at certain points on the course, highlighting respect for all competitors.

What is cross-country running (or distance running)?


This type of injury prevention involves checking the equipment and field before a match begins.

What is a pre-game safety check (or hazard identification)?


This coaching style blends elements from both authoritarian and democratic approaches, allowing the coach to adapt their style depending on the team's needs and situation.

What is a flexible/adaptive coaching style?


A coach in this role focuses on long-term planning, including the development of individual players' skills, the team's overall progress, and preparation for future competitions.

What is a planner (or long-term development coach)?


This social benefit of sports helps individuals improve their ability to understand others' perspectives and work well with people from diverse backgrounds.

What is fostering inclusivity and understanding?


In this sport, it's considered poor etiquette to celebrate excessively after scoring against their former club, with the expectation that players show humility and respect toward their former club

What is soccer (or football)?