What do the letters NBA stand for
National Basketball Association
How many yards is an American Football Field
120 yards
Who holds the men’s world record for the 100 meters sprint?
Usain Bolt
Which team has the most world series wins
New york Yanckees
How many players are on a soccer field at a time
How many teams totally are in the NBA
This Quarterback has won the most Superbolws
Tom Brady
Which country has the most Olympic gold medals in track and field?
United States
What position is between second and third base
What is it called when players push the ball between their opponent's legs
Who held the NBA 3 point record before Stephen curry
Ray Allen
What is Tyreek hill's Nickname for his speed?
What is the item thrown in the hammer throw event?
A metal ball attached to a wire
What's the name of the person who stands on a mound in the middle of the diamond?
What is the name give to the match between Real Madrid and Barcelona
El classico
Which NBA team was the last to 3 peat
The Los Angeles Lakers
How many players can NFL teams roster at a time?
Which country’s national track and field team is nicknamed the “Sprint Factory”?
Fenway Park is the home ground of which baseball team?
Boston Red Sox
Which English team is know by their name, the Reds
How far is an NBA 3 point line
22 ft
Who's primary job is to take the ball from the quarterback and run
running back
How many hurdles are in the 110m hurdles?
What award is given to the best defensive performer at each position in Major League Baseball?
Gold glove
What American team did David Beckham play for?
LA Galaxy