What is wrong with this sentence? Hint: there are two errors. SENTENCE: "Coach Ron Sanchez was dissatisfied with Virginia's offense, particularly as the team struggled to hit threes."
1: should say Interim Coach Ron Sanchez
2: should say three-point shots.
How long should a title be?
Ideally one line!! It looks weird if it goes on multiple lines, because the website enlarges a title.
You are interviewing a coach or player. How should you ask a question?
Open-ended, know your stuff so that you ask a question that gives you a helpful answer. If you are at availability/postgame, don't be afraid to ask questions! You have to jump on the first millisecond of silence.
Who is the SID for men's basketball? Hint: this person is also the SID for rowing.
Erich Bacher
How many articles has CD Sports published in 2025? If your answer is within 10 articles of the actual number, you receive full points.
It is.....
1: on the team's SECOND mention
2: look them up on the team's official site!!
List five reasons why it is important to include links/hyperlinks in an article.
Ex: to verify statistics, to check a player's year/position/name spelled correctly, to substantiate a claim, to provide context on a recap, to include video highlights or quotes, etc.
You don't know what to write about (or, you are struggling to structure an article). What do you do?
Text Xander and Michael!!! We will help you out, but we can't do that unless you reach out!
Who is the SID for volleyball? Hint: this person is also the SID for baseball.
Tyler Brain
How many people on the sports desk have been on the Junior Board? HINT: this means current AND former editors!
4. Michael, Xander, Ben, Thomas (news)!
What should you do after one of your articles is published?
POST IT ON SOCIAL MEDIA!! Send to friends and family! Text Michael and Xander to see what you can write next!
Bonus: go back to the doc, and look at what was changed, any mistakes, etc.
You are quoting a UVA student, and they are NOT an athlete. How you attribute them in the article?
Second-year College student LeBron James
Who is the SID for men's golf? Hint: this person is also the SID for football.
Scott Fitzgerald
What is the best way to get better at writing?
Reading and writing!
What is wrong with this sentence? SENTENCE: "Colluci struck out the side."
Should be Colucci
Research!! Google them, learn about them, go through their social media, etc.
Where should you hyperlink something, and how many words should be part of the hyperlink?
Generally, link on verbs! And you should not hyperlink the entire sentence -- just 1-3 words!
Who is the SID for olympic sports? Hint: those are field hockey, WLax, swim, and sometimes squash+tennis.
Melissa Dudek
CD was not always called The CD. What was the paper's original name, and when was it founded?
College Topics, 1890
What is wrong with the sentence? SENTENCE: "It was an incredible victory over previously undefeated Michigan (5-1, 1-0 Big 10).
Should be Big Ten
How long should a paragraph be?
IT VARIES!! Do not make a cookie-cutter structure where every para is exactly five lines of text. Look at Michael's articles for good examples. You should use various lengths for a paragraph (avoid always using blocky text)!
According to Naima, this is the best way to check your writing for clarity.
Read it out loud! That can help avoid stuff that receives an "awko taco" comment
Who is the SID for track and cross country?
Jen Dietrich
Name five other college newspapers.
Ex: Duke Chronicle, Daily Tar Heel, Technician, Daily Bruin, Michigan Daily, etc.