What is the role of an athletic trainer to the training room?
To keep it clean.
Why do athletes have to wear protective equipment?
It helps prevent major injuries.
The skeleton serves as a frame for the body. True or False?
When do you tape?
Usually during post rehabilitation phase or to support sudden minor injuries
Where is the Patella located in the human body?
It's located anterior to the knee joint.
What kind of injuries does an Acute Care Facility treat?
Sudden minor or life threatening. Same day or short treatment.
ex. Hospitals, Walk in Clinics, Urgent Care Centre.
When do you call EMS?
When the athlete is unresponsive, has trouble breathing, is bleeding severely, possible head or spine injuries or broken bones.
How many bones does the Axial skeleton consist of?
80 Bones.
Why do people tape injuries?
to help provide support and stability as well as prevent major movement that you're not supposed to do.
What is the difference between human anatomy and human physiology?
Anatomy is the study of our bodies' structure while physiology is how they work (function)
What percent of your plate of food is supposed to be vegetables?
Half the plate.
What is a Chronic Injury?
What part of your body is the appendicular skeleton?
Appendages (Arms & Legs)
How many proximal and distal anchors do you use when ankle taping?
2 proximal anchors and 1 distal.
Where is spongy bone found?
it's mostly found in short, flat irregular and most epiphyses of long bone.
What type of wellness on the wellness wheel does skills, finance and satisfaction fall under?
Occupational Wellness
Hypothermia is when your core body temperature drops below.....
Bones are composed of 4 things, what are they?
Cartilage, Bone Tissue, Bone Marrow & Periosteum.
When do you NOT tape?
When further assessment of an injury is required or obvious major injuries such as broken bones.
The shoulder joint is classified as what type of joint?
A ball and socket joint.
What characteristic of life does changing absorbed foods into energy fall under?
Scenario: someone that has diabetes has fallen into a diabetic coma or insulin shock. You are unsure about the athletes condition. Do you give them insulin or sugar and Why?
You give them sugar because giving insulin might make the situation worse while sugar won't really affect the person in a bad way.
How many cavities does the body have and what are they?
2. Dorsal Cavity and Ventral Cavity
A condition where you do repetitive movements that wear or overload the tendons of the rotator cuff is called...
Where is smooth muscle located in the body?
It's found in the walls of hollow internal organs like blood vessels. It's under control of the autonomic nervous system.