CQ1 Sports Injuries
CQ2 Specific Athletes
CQ3 Prevention
CQ4 Injury Rehab
Identify specific examples of soft tissue injuries
Includes: tears, sprains, contusions skin abrasions, lacerations, blisters
Outline how problems associated with iron deficiency and bone density can affect female participation in sport.
Sketch in general terms; indicate the main features of Females need more iron than men, athletes need more than non-athletes. Low iron = Anaemia = low levels haemoglobin = Less O2, there negative impact on endurance events. Symptoms = fatigue, weakness, breathlessness. Bone density = thickness and strength of bones. Women have higher needs, low bone density = increased risk of fractures.
Identify reasons for taping and/or bandaging.
Recognise and name. Syllabus points - preventative taping, taping for isolation of injury, bandaging and immediate treatment of injury. Hint - why?
Explain the importance of graduated exercise in the rehabilitation process
Explain: relate cause and effect, make the relationship between things evident. Include; stretching, conditioning and total body fitness
Another name for a bruise?
Outline the management of a hard tissue injury.
Sketch in general terms; indicate the main features of. Syllabus points - assessment for medical attention, immobilisation.
Outline the impact pregnancy may have on female athletes’ participation in sport.
Check with health professional. Body temperature - not too high, careful on hot or humid days. Plenty of fluids. Don't exercise to the point of exhaustion. Avoid lifting heavy weights. Don’t exercise if you are ill or feverish. No contact sports. Loosening of joints can increase risk of injury.
Describe three sporting examples in which adequate skill and/or correct technique will reduce the risk of injury
Outline the appropriate use of heat and cold during injury rehabilitation.
Cold up to 72 hours, vasoconstriction = reduces swelling/inflammation + numbs pain, eg's include ice/cold packs..... Heat increases circulation (don't use in first few days): vasodilation = increased blood flow, decreased pain, increased ability to stretch, relaxation, reduced joint stiffness
Soft tissue injuries include damage/injury to ........
Muscle, tendons, ligaments, cartilage, skin, blood vessels, organs and nerves.
Using examples, distinguish between direct and indirect injuries.
Recognise or note/indicate as being distinct or different from; to note differences between. Syllabus points - direct an indirect. USE EXAMPLES!!!
Analyse the role that sports medicine plays in addressing the needs of children and young athletes.
Analyse - Identify components and the relationship between them; draw out and relate implications. Main points - medical conditions (asthma, diabetes, epilepsy), overuse injuries (stress fractures), thermoregulation, appropriateness of resistance training
Analyse how priority preventative strategies and adequate preparation may prevent injuries in the sport of soccer
Analyse: Identify components and the relationships between them, draw out implications Include the dot points: Pre-screening Skill and technique Physical fitness Warm-up, stretching and cool down Remember to link these dot points to soccer, using specific examples to show relationship and implications
Describe two ethical considerations regarding an athletes return to play.
Pressure to participate (sponsors, club, coach, team mates, $$$) and use of painkillers (masking pain etc)
In which dot point would you find the following slashes: - monitoring progress (pre-test and post-test), - psychological readiness, - specific warm-up procedures
What is Return to Play
Describe the procedure for assessment of sports injuries.
Analyse why sports medicine has a focus on the specific demands of adult athletes, aged athletes and female athletes.
Analyse = Identify components and the relationship between them; draw out and relate implications.... - heart conditions, - fractures/bone density, - flexibility/joint mobility..... Include something about benefits of exercise, medical clearance, (heart attack, stroke, fractures, flexibility, arthritis). Suggest some appropriate activities eg aqua aerobics, tai chi, swimming, walking etc
Analyse the impact of of climatic conditions on safe sports participation
Analyse: Identify components and the relationships between them, draw out implications Include the dot points: Temperature regulation (convection, radiation, conduction, evaporation) Climatic conditions (temperature, humidity, wind, rain, altitude, pollution) Guidelines for fluid intake Acclimatisation. Show implications/ relationship of these dot points on safe sports participation
Explain the factors that need to be considered before an athlete can return to play after an injury.
Relate cause and effect; make the relationships between things evident; provide why and/or how. Syllabus points - indicators of readiness for return to play (pain free, degree of mobility), monitoring progress (pre-test and post-test), psychological readiness, specific warm-up procedures, return to play policies and procedures and ethical considerations, eg. pressure to participate, use of painkillers.
Describe the signs, symptoms and management of a dislocated joint.
Pain, swelling and tenderness, deformity,decreased ROM, possible discolouration. Management = immobilisation, call 000, to be reduced by medical professional.
Describe the inflammatory process, outline the management of a soft tissue injury.
Self-healing process (the inflammatory process) that consists of 3 stages = Inflammatory stage, repair and regeneration and remodelling stages. RICER + NO Harm
List the 3 DP's and 11 slash points in this critical question (Specific Athletes).
Children and young athletes (medical conditions {asthma, diabetes, epilepsy}, overuse injuries {stress fractures}, thermoregulation, appropriateness of resistance training......Adult and aged athletes (heart conditions, fractures/bone density, flexibility/joint mobility)...... Female athletes (eating disorders, iron deficiency, bone density, pregnancy)
Critically analyse how sports policy and the sports environment promote safe participation.
Add a degree or level or acuracy depth, knowledge and understanding, logic, questioning, reflection and quality to (analysis/evalution). Identify components and the relationship between them; draw out and relate implications. Syllabus points - rules of sports and activities; modified rules for children; matching of opponents eg. growth and development, skill level; use of protective equipment and safe grounds, equipment and facilities. Link to safe participation.
Analyse the rehabilitation procedures necessary for an athlete who is recovering from a hamstring injury.
Analyse - Identify components and the relationship between them; draw out and relate implications. Syllabus points - progressive mobilisation, graduated exercise (stretching, conditioning, total body fitness), training, use of heat and cold. Examples - PNF hamstring stretches, progressing from walking to sprinting over a period of time, modified training session with less use of hamstring, etc.
Assess the ways in which sports policy and the sports environment promote the physical wellbeing of children and young athletes.
Make a judgment of value, quality, outcomes, results or size. Syllabus points = - Rules of sports and activities, - modified rules for children, - matching of opponents, eg growth and development, skill level, - use of protective equipment, - safe grounds, equipment and facilities..... - medical conditions (asthma, diabetes, epilepsy), - overuse injuries (stress fractures), - thermoregulation, - appropriateness of resistance training....... Need to link syllabus points eg Modified rules for children to address thermoreg issues (extra drink breaks, shorter games, not in middle of day etc).