Important components of a Performance Plate
Pre and Post Workout Fueling
True or False

Name 3 symptoms of dehydration

Dehydration can happen before you even realize the effects. Symptoms such as thirst, fatigue, headaches and muscle cramps are often felt after it’s too late. Dehydration can decrease a player’s performance: slow down sprinting and lateral movements; lower a player’s shooting percentage and decrease total shots made; and affect a player’s balance, reaction time and mental readiness.


Name 3 macronutrients

What are Protein, Carbohydrates, and Fat.


Water, low-fat milk, and 100 percent fruit juice.

What are Fluid or hydration-promoting beverages.


When should you eat a pre-workout snack and pre-workout meal?

What is within 1 hour of training and 3-4 hours beforehand.


Regular Exercise means I can eat what I want and as much as I want.

What is False! Working out isn’t license to abandon portion sizes and healthy eating guidelines. It’s easy to overestimate the amount of calories you burn while working out.


These are lost in sweat and should be replaced post workout.

What are fluid and electrolytes.


This macronutrient should make up the majority of an athlete’s diet during the season.

What is Carbohydrates. You should eat a carbohydrate-rich diet during the season. But during the off-season, when you are less active, you may want to reduce the proportion of carbohydrates and increase protein intake-although carbs should still be a significant component of your diet year around.


Apples, oranges, bananas, blueberries, grapes, melon, strawberries, broccoli, green beans, spinach, romaine lettuce, carrots, cauliflower, mushrooms, cucumbers, and tomatoes.

What are Fruits and vegetables or antioxidant-rich foods.


When should you eat a post-workout snack and post-workout meal?

What is 1 hour after training and within 4 hours after training.


Chocolate Milk is a great example of post-exercise fuel?

What is True! Because of its favorable carbohydrate and protein content, Chocolate Milk is indeed an effective recovery aid, but it’s not your only choice. Replacing fluid lost during a workout should be first priority. Plain water and water-rich foods such as fruit are good choices. Be sure to eat a balanced meal within a couple of hours of working out to help muscles recover.


How much fluid should you drink throughout the day?

What is a minimum of half your weight in ounces of fluid per day.


This macronutrient helps to repair and build muscles.

What is Protein.


100 percent whole-wheat bread, bagels, tortillas, pita bread and crackers; brown rice; whole-grain pasta; beans; potatoes; oatmeal; whole-grain breakfast cereals; yogurt.

What are Whole grains or energy-enhancing foods.


Describe the ideal pre-workout snack and what it should consist of.

What is a snack high in Carbs, low in Protein, Fat, and Fiber.


It is best to work out on an empty stomach? 

What is False! It is not best to work out on an empty stomach. Your body needs fuel to function, especially if you’re asking it to run, jump, or lift weights. Don’t skip breakfast before a morning workout. Eating before exercise, as opposed to exercising in the fasted state, has been shown to improve exercise performance.


How much fluid should you drink before, during, and after training?

What is 16-24 oz before, 4-8 oz every 15-20 minutes during activity, and 16-24 oz for each pound lost during activity after.


Performance benefit of Carbohydrates

What is the major muscle fuel source for high intensity exercise.


Grilled/baked/broiled/roasted chicken, fish, pork loin, turkey, sirloin and lean ground beef, eggs, low-fat cheese, and tofu.

What are Lean proteins or recovery/muscle-building foods.


Describe the ideal pre-workout meal and what is should consist of.

What is a meal high in Carbs, moderate in Protein, and lower in Fat. Eat quality carbohydrates and protein. Carbohydrates are the fuel.


Should I skip the Carbs?

What is False! Carbohydrates are the major fuel for muscles and an athlete’s diet should consist of mostly carbohydrate. The body converts carbohydrate to glycogen, which is stored in your muscles to power your workout. Carbohydrates are fuel for your “engine” (your muscles). And the harder your engine is working, the more carbs you need to keep going. Given the importance of this energy source, it’s wise to avoid the low-carb diet crazes that limit carbohydrate intake.


Coffee is extremely healthy when consumed in moderation. It is full of antioxidants and phytonutrients. The majority of antioxidants in the American diet comes from coffee. Just be careful with the amount of caffeine you consume throughout the day. Aim for no more than ___ - ___ cups daily.

What is 2-3 cups per day.


Name nutritional benefits for Carbohydrates.

What are a great source of energy, fiber, vitamins, and minerals.


Salmon, tuna, nuts, seeds, olives, olive oil, canola oil, avocado, nut butters, and oil-based salad dressings.

What are Fat or immunity/flavor-boosting foods.


Describe the ideal post-workout snack and post-workout meal.

What is a snack high in protein and carbohydrates, low in fat and Fiber. What is a meal high in carbs, moderate in protein, and moderate in Fat. Getting protein and carbohydrates into your system is even more vital post workout. You need to replenish the nutrients lost. Carbohydrates and proteins give muscles the fuel to recover after working hard.


Will Protein make your muscles grow?

What is false! Protein is an important part of a balanced diet, but eating more protein will not magically make you stronger. The only way to build muscles is to put them to work, and eat enough calories to build mass.