
The logo's you want to look for on supplement labels

What is NSF or USP or Informed Choice/Sport or BSCG


Name three sources of complex carbohydrates

Pasta, Rice, Bread, Oats, Potatoes, Whole Grains, Quinoa and Fruits 


The color you want your urine to look like if you are hydrated.

Light Lemonade or Light Yellow 


The main reason why we consume tart cherry juice 

What is antioxidants that help with inflammation or natural melatonin that helps us sleep.


In a run down, chase to the ____ , throw to the _______

lesser, greater


The body can only absorb no more than 200 - 400 mg of Vitamin C at a time. 

Name one other supplement that Vitamin C can help with absorption and one food that is high in Vitamin C. (other than an orange)

What is a pepper, broccoli, brussel sprouts, tomatoes, lemons, grapefruit, kiwi and strawberries.  

What is collagen. 


These symptoms can happen to your body when you don't have enough carbohydrates. Name at least 2. 

What is Headaches, Fatigue, Dizziness, Poor Decision Making, and Muscle Cramping


The amount of fluid on average to hydrate with during activity.

8 ounces of fluid every 15 minutes or three gulps/sips


The mineral that can help with sleep and enhance recovery.

What is Magnesium


When preparing raw chicken what is one thing you are not supposed to do

What is washing it in the sink 


The type of foods that have naturally occurring creatine. Name at least two. 

Steak, Chicken, Salmon, Pork, Tuna, Herring


The amount carbohydrates you want as a prefuel. 

What is 30 - 60 grams 


The percent of water that is in our muscles. 

What is 70 - 80% 


The ratio of carbohydrates to protein after training.

What is a 3 - 1 ratio.


After cooking a hot meal prep to store in the fridge to eat throughout the week. Name the first thing you should do before putting the meal in the fridge. 

Let the meal cool down on the counter or separate the meal prep in different containers to store in the fridge.


Name two vitamins or minerals that help with your immune system

What is Vitamin C, Zinc, Vitamin D or probiotics/antioxidants


Name a reason why a female athlete might have an irregular menstrual cycle.

Underfueling or Change in Birth Control


When on a plane how many ounces of water should you consume per hour?

8 - 12 ounces 


This supplement is found in salmon, avocado's and walnuts. It can help with recovery, brain function, heart health and reducing inflammation.

What is Omega-3 Fatty Acids


Alcohol can last in your system for how long until completely removed. 

Bonus (100) Name two performance side effects. 

3 days side effects, up to 72 hours

Dehydration, decreased performance (speed, jump height etc) and impaired sleep (muscle recovery/sleep quality) 


The amount of caffeine needed to be in your system to fail a drug test. Name the other reason why caffeine is a banned substance in the NCAA

What is 400 mg, "sports performance enhancers" or labels aren't third party tested, unlabeled or unlcear amounts of caffeine aka synephrine


How long until your body runs out of stored glucose (glycogen) during intermediate to high activity.

What is 60 - 90 minutes of activity


The 5 main electrolytes lost in sweat. 

(100) Bonus: Name the electrolyte that we lose most in sweat and least in sweat.

What is Sodium, Chloride, Potassium, Magnesium, Calcium. 

Most - Sodium

Least - Calcium


The percentage of protein that should be in your diet as an athlete.

What is 15 - 25%


During what phase of the menstrual cycle is your body most likely increase its sweat rate and increase core temperature. Making it harder to rehydrate. 

What is the Luteal Phase. Days 14 - 35.