The most popular sport in the world.
Football, Soccer.
This is a sport where two people hit a BALL over a net using a racket. This sport can be played on surfaces like clay, grass and hard.
What do you play football on?
A person who plays a sport is referred to as what? Two possible correct answers
a player, or athlete.
What is the most popular sport in the USA?
American football
Players bounce and throw a ball into a net
In which sport do people go fast in the water?
What do you play basketball on?
a court
This is a team leader who often times has a C on their uniform
Muhammed Ali is famous for participating in this sport
You only need a pair of legs and a pair of shoes.
The fastest person wins.
running, track
This sport is a fight between two people using their fists while wearing big gloves.
What do you play hockey on?
An ice rink
A person who watches a sport and roots on their favorite teams is referred to as what? Two possible answers.
A spectator, or a fan.
Who is the mascot for the New England Patriots?
Pat the Patriot
An AMERICAN sport with a bat and ball. Players hit the ball and run around 4 bases to score a homerun. This sport is also popular in many other countries including Japan, Korea, and Dominican Republic.
People racing sport includes drivers racing in cars like Aston Martins and Ferrari's and have to take very difficult turns at very high speeds
Formula 1
Sports like boxing and UFC are played in what?
a ring
This is the person who trains the athletes or team to get them ready to play.
A coach or manager
The sport where the contestants use equipment to run, jump, flip, and swing.
This sport, which was created in England, shares some qualities as American Football like kicking and running. Unlike American football, this sport can only pass backwards and has scrums instead of tackling
This form of fighting is the oldest sport in the world.
What is the place called where you practice swimming?
swimming pool
This position is included in many different team sports and is responsible for trying to stop the other team from scoring?
Goalkeeper or goalie
Equestrian uses which animal?