What do baseball players use to hit the ball?
A Bat
What are the colors on the soccer ball
White and black
How many points is a layup worth?
2 points
What is the name of the official league for football
What sport involves knocking down pins
What is the name of the player who catches the ball thrown by the pitcher?
What is the goalie's Job?
To block the ball from touching the net
What does the NBA stand for
National Basketball Association
What color is the goalpost in football?
If you touch the net in volleyball game does the point count?
No it does not
How many players are playing on the field per team
What shape are the black parts of a soccer ball?
What number does Lebron James wear?
What are the Two New York team names
Giants and the Jets
What sport requires you to wear headgear and a mouthpiece, while also requiring you to be on a soft mat
What is the term for a batter who hits the ball over the outfield fence?
Home Run
What is soccer's international championship games called?
World Cup
What are the names of the two New York NBA teams?
New York Knicks and Brooklyn Nets
What is it called when someone gets taken down in football?
A tackle
In what sport do you need a lower amount of points to win?
Who has the most championships in baseball history?
New York Yankess
What does FIFA stand for?
Federation Internationale de Football Association
How many rounds are there in the NBA playoffs
What does the term FUMBLE mean in football?
When the player loses control of the ball without being tackled.
In which sport do you create a "pyramid" or a "mount"