What do you call the player who throws the ball in Baseball?
How many bases are there on a baseball field?
4 Bases
What is the name of the Los Angeles baseball team?
Who is the only player who can touch the ball with their hands in soccer?
How fast can a typical grown-up throw a baseball?
40-50 mph
What is the name of the black disk you hit in hockey?
In this sport, teams use their hands to throw a ball across a net. If you drop the ball or touch the net, the other team gets a point.
The Los Angeles Lakers are a famous team for what sport?
What do you call the plastic ring that you spin around your hips?
How fast was the fastest baseball ever thrown by a human?
105 mph
How many points is a touchdown worth in Football?
6 points
Tiger Woods is a famous player in what sport?
What kind of medal does the 3rd place winner receive in the Olympics?
Bronze medal
The olympics are held every how many years?
Every 4 years
What is the name of the body part that stretches when you throw a baseball?
How many players are on a soccer team?
11 players
What are the colors of the olympic rings?
Red, blue, green, yellow, black
In tennis, you hit the ball with a...?
Tennis raquet
Tony Hawk is a famous person in what sport?
Why can some people throw a baseball faster than others?
Their ligaments are stretchier.
What does NBA stand for?
National Basketball Association
How many miles is a marathon?
26 miles
What kind of race is the Tour de France?
In what sport would you find the balance beam?