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During transpiration, water sticks to polysaccharides in the roots of plants before traveling upwards. This stickiness is because of this property of water.

What is adhesion?


During this phase of the cell cycle, the cell continues to grow even after duplicating its DNA.

What is the G2 Phase?


After this phase of the cell cycle, sister chromatids are held together at this "central" location.

What is the centromere?


Millipedes are tough for some birds to eat and break down, so some birds often ignore them completely. This doesn't stop these "thousand-leggers" from hitching a ride in birds' feathers, in an example of this interspecies interaction.

What is commensalism?


A scientist is interested in comparing mean recovery times between subjects who have ingested two novel respiratory drugs. To best compare these mean recovery times, he should utilize this type of graph (with error bars, of course).

What is a bar graph?


The addition of a single water molecule might produce these types of sugar from Maltotriulose, a molecule made of three sugars - two glucoses and one fructose.

What is a disaccharide and a monosaccharide?


Self signaling (using peptide hormones or steroid hormones) is commonly referred to as this. Some cells can signal themselves!

What is autocrine signaling?


In prokaryotes, operons allow multiple genes to be transcribed together. This type of molecule may "team up" with a repressor to actually repress transcription. Without it, no repression occurs.

What is a corepressor?


In cities, viruses spread more rapidly than in rural areas. This makes viruses this type of factor.

What is density-dependent?


The source of electrons in photosynthesis is water. Without this protein complex, however, these electrons are trapped in their covalent bonds forever.

What is Photosystem II?


Sometimes, maintaining pH is costly. Especially in organelles like the lysosomes, keeping H+ concentration high requires this type of transport.

What is active transport?


Photosynthesis flips cellular respiration upside down. The chloroplast's ETC ends with the accepting of an electron using this modified nucleotide.

What is NADP+/NADPH?


High temperatures necessitate the usage of Taq polymerase, an enzyme that comes from a highly thermophilic bacteria, when scientists wish to accomplish this DNA amplification process.

What is Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)?


For a population to remain in equilibrium (never gonna happen...), this process - which permits allele exchange between populations - must never happen.

What is gene flow?


A heterozygous fly produced 62 offspring with an unknown partner. Only 31 of the offspring inherited the recessive phenotype, which leads us to believe the male fly had this genotype.

What is homozygous?


The hydrolysis of an amino acid would decrease this component of water potential.

What is the solute potential?


Succinate dehydrogenase requires the use of this modified nucleotide. Without it, lower energy electrons would never leave!

What is FADH2?


Rejecting the null hypothesis of a chi square test after analyzing a dihybrid cross means that this process, more commonly referred to as crossing over, has occurred.

What is recombination?


Sharks (fish) and whales (mammals) both have evolved dorsal fins over time. These useful appendages are considered to be these types of structures.

What are analogous structures?


A freshman thinks he has cracked the code: he can become the Incredible Hulk. He enters his laboratory and forces a mutation upon himself...nothing changes. Unfortunately, this poor freshman discovered this type of mutation.

What is a silent mutation?


The synthesis of estrogen, a nonpolar steroid, is likely accomplished by this organelle.

What is the Smooth ER?


These molecules are formed when cyclins interact with cyclin-dependent kinases.

What are MPFs?


Euchromatin is converted to heterochromatin when histones undergo this process, which tightly packs DNA within the nucleus.

What is methylation?


Without this ecological concept, simpler organisms might never colonize newly formed land, like that from volcanoes.

What is primary succession?


Standard error provides a different measure of statistical reliability, as it divides the standard deviation by the square root of this.

What is the sample size?