Types of Vowels
Articulatory Dimensions of Vowels
English Monophthong Vowels
English Diphthong Vowels
English Rhotic Vowels

This type of vowel is produced without any tongue movement while saying the vowel, as opposed to vowels that are produced with tongue movement while saying the vowel.

What is a monophthong vowel?


This articulatory dimension of vowels is defined by lip posture during production.

What is lip rounding?


This is classified as a mid front unrounded lax vowel. It is produced with the highest part of the tongue raised midway in the mouth and forward in the oral cavity. The lips are in a relaxed, unrounded position.

What is /ɛ/?


This is a phonemic diphthong in General American English. It starts as a low central unrounded lax vowel and ends as a high front unrounded vowel.

What is /aɪ/?


This is a rhotic monophthong that is classified as a mid central rounded tense rhotic vowel. There are several variations in how this vowel is articulated, including bunched, tongue tip, and retroflex variants.

What is /ɝ/?


This type of vowel has r-coloring, which is the "r" sound at the core of the vowel if a monophthong or as the offglide of the vowel if a diphthong or triphthong.

What is a rhotic vowel?


This articulatory dimension of vowels is defined by how near the tongue body is to the roof of the mouth.

What is tongue height?


This is classified as a low back unrounded tense vowel. It is produced with the highest/bunched part of the tongue raised posteriorly in the mouth with the mandible lowered. It is made with the lips unrounded.

What is /ɑ/?


This is a non-phonemic diphthong in General American English. Its onglide is produced with the highest part of the tongue raised midway in the back of the oral cavity with the jaw partially raised. The lips are rounded. In the offglide the tongue body raises and moves back slightly and the lips are rounded more.

What is /oʊ/?


This is a rhotic diphthong in General American English that is found in words like sneer and here. The onglide is a high front and unrounded and the offglide is a mid central rounded rhotic.

What is /ɪɚ/?


This type of vowel is produced with tongue movement while saying the vowel, as opposed to vowels that are produced without tongue movement while saying the vowel.

What is a diphthong vowel?


This articulatory dimension of vowels is defined by where the tongue is raised in the oral tract on an anterior/posterior scale.

What is tongue advancement?


This is classified as a low front unrounded lax vowel. It is produced with the highest part of the tongue low and forward in the mouth; the open jaw results in its low vowel property. It is made with the lips unrounded.

What is /æ/?


This is a phonemic diphthong in General American English. It begins as a low central unrounded vowel and ends as a high back rounded lax vowel.

What is /aʊ/?


This is a rhotic diphthong in General American English that is found in words like sport and force. The onglide is mid back rounded and lax and the offglide is a mid central rounded rhotic.

What is /ɔɚ/?


This is another name for monophthong vowels.

What are steady-state vowels?


This term is used to describe pairs of vowels that share tongue height, tongue advancement, and lip rounding, but differ in tenseness. In consonants, it is used to describe pairs that share the same place and manner of articulation, but differ in voicing.

What is a cognate?


This is classified as a high back rounded tense vowel. It is produced with the highest part of the tongue raised high at the back of the oral cavity. The lips are rounded.

What is /u/?


This is a non-phonemic diphthong in General American English. Its onglide is produced with the highest part of the tongue is raised midway in the front of the mouth. The jaw is partially raised and the lips are in a neutral position. In the offglide the tongue body raises and moves forward slightly.

What is /eɪ/?


This is a rhotic diphthong in General American English that is found in words like tour and pure. The onglide is high back and rounded and the offglide is a mid central rounded rhotic.

What is /ʊɚ/?


This type of vowel is produced with tongue movement while saying the vowel, with three vowel qualities and tongue positions making up the vowel.

What is a triphthong?


This articulatory dimension of vowels is defined by how central the tongue body is while saying vowels and the degree of muscular tension in the tongue.

What is tenseness?


This is classified as a high front unrounded lax vowel. It is produced with the highest part of the tongue raised high and forward in the oral cavity. The lips are unrounded.

What is /ɪ/?


This type of diphthong vowel cannot be produced as a monophthong allophone.

What is a phonemic diphthong?


This is a rhotic triphthong in General American English that is found in words like power and hour. The onglide is low central and unrounded, then glides to a high back rounded position and ends as a mid central rounded rhotic offglide.

What is /aʊɚ/?