Strategic Planning
Capital Projects
Scheduling/Route Planning
VIA History

VIA's most recent long range plan adopted in August 2016.

What is Vision 2040?


This VIA facility is home to VIA's "park and airport" service. 

What is Stone Oak? 


The name of VIA's system redesign project. 

What is better bus? 


ART is the abbreviation for this VIA service. 

Advanced Rapid Transit 


The year VIA was founded. 

What is 1977? 


The abbreviation for the local organization established to provide comprehensive, coordinated and continuous transportation planning process by local, state and federal officials. 

What is AAMPO? 


Former VIA park and ride facility on TXDOT owned real estate that ended service in Jan. 2024.  

What is Old Kel-Lac?


The number of VIA Link zones within the VIA system.

What is 4? 


The number of proposed stops on the proposed Green Line route. 

What is 26?


The two mascot cousins of Buster who made their debut in 2016.

Who are Safety Sofie and Primo? 


The visioning document intended to be used as a guide to inform future land use and neighborhood planning efforts in and around Centro Plaza. 

What is the VIA Villa Vision? 


This new facility in the far northwest part of VIA's service area is ideal for vanpools or car pools, offers direct access to current and future HOV lanes and has a flexible design that allows for future bus service. 

What is I-10 Park & Pool? 


VIA services that occurs every night at 10:30 p.m., 11:30 p.m., and 12:30 a.m. in an effort to provide a last opportunity to get riders home before service ends. 

What is Downtown Lineup? 


The framework that identified ART as a VIA project?  

What is KSAM? 


The founding chair of VIA's Board of Trustees.

Who is Marilyn Jones?


VIA's project includes a contest aimed at bringing life and creative energy to its transit centers and local bus stops. 

What is Art in Transit? 


This VIA facility is not located within COSA city limits. 

What is Crossroads? 


The time VIA link service begins in all zones. 

What is 5:00 AM? 


The sports team that inspired the name of ART's East/West line? 

What are the Spurs? 


The song VIA buppet mascots sang in their 1980's television commercials. 

What is "It's so easy to ride the bus"? 

The grant aimed at providing intense technical assistance and support to under-resourced and disadvantaged communities to help them identify, develop, and deliver transportation and community revitalization opportunities. 

What is Thriving Communities? 


This $25 Million VIA investment is a transfer hub for 17 bus routes and 39 buses per hour. 

What is Centro Plaza? 


The system that counts the number of boardings and alightings at each stop while also noting time, location, and direction. 

What is APC? 


The frequency "sweet spot" which ART aims to service reliable service all day. 

What is 12 minutes? 


The formation of this district uses a quarter-cent sales tax to fund transportation improvement projects carried out by VIA, the City of San Antonio, and the Texas Department of Transportation. 

What is the Advanced Transportation District, or ATD?