Test Security Part I
Test Security Part II
Standardized Testing 101

During standardized testing, this should never be left in open areas or unattended.

What are test materials?


This testing irregularity occurs when a student duplicates another student’s response or information from an external source.

What is plagiarism? 


These assessments are administered in American History, Biology, English I, English II, Algebra I, and Geometry courses.  They are used to determine if a student is eligible to graduate from a Louisiana High School.

What is the LEAP 2025?


West Jefferson’s current school letter grade. 

What is a “C?”


Test administrators must complete this to document the physical location of each student during standardized testing.

What is a seating chart?


This is the amount charged to a school if a test is voided due to an administrative error.

What is $350 dollars?


This assessment measures students general educational development and their capability to complete college-level work.

What is the ACT?


This comprises 20% of our SPS. It is used to determine the percentage of students that graduate within four years. 

What is the cohort graduation rate?


These items must be covered or removed in classrooms and hallways where testing occurs.

What is content related materials?


This refers to test administrators being consistently engaged in observing students behavior at all times during the administration of state assessments.

What is active monitoring?


This assessment is designed to assess the English proficiency of ESL students

What is the English Language Proficiency Test (ELPT)?


This is the school letter grade goal that we set out to accomplish by the end of this school year. 

What is a “B?”


Test administrators must verify this item for each student prior to them entering the classroom.

What is an ID?


This refers to any incident in test handling or administration that leads to a question regarding the security of the test or the accuracy of the test data.

What is a test irregularity? 


This assessment measures career readiness and can be administered to high school students every 30 days.

What is Work Keys?


This comprises 25% of our SPS.  It is used to measure the quality of the diploma earned by 12th graders. Schools gain extra points for students that earn dual enrollment credits, certifications, etc. 

What is strength of diploma?


This document is given to test administrators at least a week prior to LEAP 2025 testing and should be reviewed in advance.

What is a testing manual?


This is the first person that test administrators should notify if a test irregularity occurs.

Who is the school test coordinator?


These assessments give students the chance to tackle college-level work while still in high school and earn college credit and placement. 

What are Advanced Placement exams?


This comprises 5% of our SPS. It is used to measure the opportunities afforded to students outside of the general curriculum. 

What is interests and opportunities?