This fluffy animal's baby is called a lamb.
What is a sheep?
A rainbow appears when sunlight passes through these tiny water droplets in the sky.
What is rain?
This is the most common day of the week for Americans to call in sick.
What is Monday?
This annual cleaning tradition involves deep-cleaning homes after a long winter.
What is spring cleaning?
"Beware the Ides of March" is the famous line from this play.
What is Julius Ceasar?
Using #GrowUpGreat in Spotlights earns these for kids in your market.
What are iPads?
Ducklings imprint on the first moving thing they see, which is usually this.
What is their mother?
This common weather measuring tool is used to determine how much rainfall has occurred.
What is a rain gauge?
This is the average speed of the average office chair.
What is 8 MPH?
This popular springtime race in Boston is the world's oldest.
What is the Boston Marathon?
"May the road rise up to meet you, may the wind be always at your back" is a common blessing from this emerald isle.
What is Ireland?
This month is known as Great Big Month or Grow Up Great month.
What is April?
This spotted baby animal is known as a fawn and can stand just minutes after birth.
What is a deer?
Too much rain can lead to this natural disaster, which can wash away roads and damage homes.
What is a flood?
This unofficial workplace tradition happens on Fridays when employees gather to celebrate the end of the week.
What is happy hour?
Many people head outside in spring to start this hobby, which includes tools such as fork and shears.
What is gardening?
"Spring fever, it's time for fun" is a lyric from this legend's song, Spring Fever.
Who is Elvis Presley?
This is the number of hours PNC employees have volunteered with Grow Up Great.
What is over 1.1 million hours?
A baby rabbit is called this?
What is a kit?
This term describes a sudden, heavy burst of rain that typically doesn't last long.
What is a downpour?
This is the average amount of emails an American worker receives daily.
What is 201?
This term refers to a baseball team's preseason that begins in March.
What is spring training?
"A cold May and a windy April, a full barn" is the type of lore found in this periodic book since 1818.
What is the Farmer's Almanac?
This was the year Grow Up Great was founded.
What is 2004?
A baby horse, known as this, can start walking within an hour of being born.
What is a foal?
The smell of rain after a dry spell is caused by this scientific phenomenon.
What is petrichor? (It is caused by the water from the rain, along with certain compounds like ozone, geosmin, plant oils, and soil.)
This unofficial workplace tradition involves bringing in treats and food to share with co-workers.
What is potluck?
Spring weather encourages people to explore nature, often by walking scenic trails in this outdoor activity.
What is hiking?
"April showers bring May flowers" is a saying stemming from this country.
What is England?
This is the number of kids benefitted by Grow Up Great initiatives.
What is 10 million kids?